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Your search returned 1159 results
Bulletin of Latin American Research
Indigenous Language Revitalisation: Mapuzungun Workshops in Santiago de Chile

Most Indigenous peoples’ languages are considered severely endangered, and Mapuzungun is no exception. Mapuche associations in Santiago de Chile have implemented a series of workshops to revitalise the language and revert this trend. This article uses ethnographic data to analyse two interconnected aspects that have motivated members of Mapuche associations to participate in community language…

Journal cover
Classroom exclusions: patterns, practices, and pupil perceptions

This paper examines the under-researched phenomenon of classroom exclusions and their implications for school exclusions. Responses from nearly 1500 secondary school pupils indicate that being expelled from the classroom is a common phenomenon. On average, one-third of pupils have been asked to leave the classroom at some point in the previous year. However, it is…

Education and Ethnicity in Contemporary Russia

Ethnicity and education form an interdisciplinary and multilevel research field. The issues are equity, whether education promotes unity or ethnic diversity, and whether such objectives are contradictory. Interethnic relations in education are shaped by state policy as well as social, economic, and demographic processes, culture, and traditions. The relations between federal government and regions, which…

Journal Cover
Exploring Civil Society Perspectives on the Situation of Human Rights Defenders in the Commonwealth of Independent States

This first pan-regional analysis of civil society organizations’ perspectives on the contemporary situation of human rights defenders (HRDs) in the Commonwealth of Independent States uses United Nations’ Universal Periodic Review (UPR) data and reveals a shrinking civil space as HRDs face a raft of rights pathologies, including threats, violence and murder. Their work is curtailed…

Journal Cover
Citizens’ Data Privacy in China: The State of the Art of the Personal Information Protection Law (PIPL)

The Personal Information Protection Law (PIPL) was launched on 1 November 2021 in China. This article provides a state-of-the-art review of PIPL through a policy analysis. This paper aims to compare the three main worldwide data privacy paradigms that exist at present: (i) the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the E.U., (ii) the California…

Report cover
Geographical Variations in Trade Union Membership: 2022 Edition

This Research Note presents new estimates of trade union membership derived for detailed geographical areas across Great Britain. Analysis reveals the wide variations in union density that exist both across the country and within particular regions.  Over the period 2000-2021, union density is shown to vary between 10% in Kensington and Chelsea to 54% in…

front cover of statistical compendia
Geographical Variations in Trade Union Membership: 2022 Edition – Statistical Compendia

This Statistical Compendia is based on research supported by the Wales Institute of Social & Economic Research, Data & Methods (WISERD). Those who wish to use this data should cite its source as: Davies R., Bryson A. and Jones S. (2022) Geographical Variations in Trade Union Membership – 2000-2021, Cardiff: Wales Institute of Social &…

Book Cover
Civil Society, Equalities and Inclusion

Policy experts reflect on the first twenty years of self-governance in Wales. Following a 1997 referendum, the United Kingdom established the Welsh Parliament and began a process known as “devolution,” granting Wales increasing powers of self-governance over the next twenty years. This collection reflects on the course of Welsh devolution and the emergence of a…

Eurasian geography and economics journal cover
The sleep of reason produces monsters: ethnic conflict and neo-nationalism

Reading these books, I am reminded of Francisco Goya’s much discussed series of aquatint etchings Los Caprichos (The Caprices), published in 1799. The series was a critique, emphasized by sardonic captions, of contemporary Spanish society. In particular, “The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters”, No. 43 of 80, has been seen as a personal statement of…