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Street Pastors in the Night-Time Economy: harmless do-gooders or a manifestation of a New Right agenda?

Purpose– Thepurposeofthispaper,whichfollowsanearlierpaperpublishedinthisjournal,istoexplorethe shape and nature of plural policing through the lens of New Right ideology. It aims to reinforce the understanding that policy is driven by both neoliberalism and neoconservatism, not simply the former. In policy terms, it uses the vehicle of a faith-based initiative – the Street Pastors – to consider how the strategic…

Work in wales 2006-2017 summary cover
Gweithio yng Nghymru, 2006-2017: Tystiolaeth o’r Arolwg Sgiliau a Chyflogaeth Crynodeb

Arolwg Sgiliau a Chyflogaeth 2017 yw’r seithfed mewn cyfres o arolygon swyddi ym Mhrydain, fel y’u cofnodwyd gan y gweithwyr sy’n gwneud y swyddi. Mae’r gyfres wedi parhau dros 30 mlynedd (cynhaliwyd yr arolwg cyntaf yn 1986).  Mae’r adroddiad hwn yn darparu dadansoddiad o ganlyniadau arolygon 2006, 2012 a 2017 sy’n benodol i Gymru, gan…

Report front cover
Re-energising Wales Factors influencing local and community engagement in renewable energy in Wales

‘Factors influencing local and community engagement in renewable energy in Wales’ is based on conversations with people directly involved with local and community renewable energy and energy-saving projects. It outlines the problems they perceived with the projects and identifies measures to alleviate these. The research emphasised the amount of time and expert skills that are required…

Journal Cover
Nation and national identity as a boundary: English, British and the European Union

In this article, we consider how the Barthian model of ethnicity, with its emphasis on boundary transactions, can be usefully applied to understanding non-elite views of the nation. Drawing on qualitative interview material, we show that the boundary concept has significance for people’s views of English and British identity and for how they view relations…

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Cities and Regions in Crisis: The Political Economy of Sub-National Economic Development

Offering a geographical political economy analysis, this book explores the mechanisms, institutions, and spaces of subnational economic development. Martin Jones innovatively examines how policy-makers frame problems and offer intervention solutions in different cities and regions. Drawing on different approaches to state intervention, neoliberalism, crisis and contradiction theories, and notions of depoliticisation, this book explains policy…

Journal Cover
A Comprehensive Model of Factors Associated With Capability to “Live Well” for Family Caregivers of People Living With Mild-to-Moderate Dementia

Introduction: Understanding key influences on outcomes for caregivers of people with dementia is hampered by inconsistent conceptualization and measurement of outcomes and limited evidence about the relative impact of different variables. We aimed to address these issues.   Methods: We analyzed data from 1283 caregivers of community-dwelling individuals with mild-to-moderate dementia in the Improving the…

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Senior Public Managers’ Organizational Commitment: Do Private Sector Experience and Tenure Make a Difference?

Drawing on the literature on sector imprinting, we examine whether private sector experience is related to organizational commitment among senior public managers. We also explore the role that position and organizational tenure play in shaping that commitment, since tenure length is often associated with greater commitment, and assumed to be an important mediator of employee…

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Accounting for geographical variance in the union satisfaction gap

Evidence of spatial variance in the relationship between trade union membership and job satisfaction is limited. Using three nationally representative data sets, we examine lower levels of satisfaction among union members and considers how this relationship varies geographically across the nations and regions of Great Britain. The analysis demonstrates that the union satisfaction gap can…