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Your search returned 1159 results
Cover of Oxford Review of Education
Inequalities and the curriculum: Young people’s views on choice and fairness through their experiences of curriculum as examination specifications at GCSE

This paper presents data that consider ways in which young people experience the curriculum through the lens of subject examination syllabuses (for GCSEs), their associated assessment techniques and structures, and educational policies at national and school level concerning subject choice. Drawing upon an original qualitative dataset from a mixed-methods study of students’ views and experiences…

Cover of "Evaluation of the Seren Network"
Gwerthusiad o Rwydwaith Seren

Ym mis Gorffennaf 2017, penododd Llywodraeth Cymru OB3 Research, ar y cyd â WISERD, i gynnal gwerthusiad o Rwydwaith Seren. Gallwch ei lawrlwytho yma Comisiynwyd gwerthusiad ffurfiannol a phroses o’r Rhwydwaith Seren i lywio penderfyniadau ynghylch y meini prawf ar gyfer cyfranogiad pobl ifanc a dylunio darpariaeth y rhaglen ar lefel genedlaethol a lleol. Amcanion…

Journal Cover
There is more than one way – a study of mixed analytical methods in biographical narrative research

The number of studies using biographical narrative data has increased worldwide. Given the variety of analytical approaches in narrative research, a critical investigation of the relationship between the methodological procedures and the implications for research practice is needed. This article reports on a mixed analysis study applying three analytical methods to autobiographical narrative interview data:…

Journal Cover
Civil Society: Bringing the family back in

This paper explores the complex and contradictory positioning of the family within civil society literature. In some accounts, the family is seen as the cornerstone of civil society. In others, the family is positioned firmly outside – even antithetical to – civil society. This paradox arises from the ways in which civil society is variously…

Journal Cover
Variations in Children’s Affective Subjective Well-Being at Seven Years Old: an Analysis of Current and Historical Factors Authors

There is a growing amount of evidence on children’s subjective well-being in general, but research on this topic with younger children is still scarce. In the UK, Wave 4 of the Millennium Cohort Study asked questions about positive and negative affect to a nationally representative sample of over 13,000 children aged around seven years old….

Report cover
Retailing in Wales’ Largest Towns & Cities 2017

This report reveals the latest figures of Wales’ Towns and Cities including the number of retail premises, the vacancy rates, the retail structure and the relationship with socio-economic characteristics and geographical typology. The main takeaways: The vacancy rate decreased in Wales in all three location types (Retail parks, high streets and shopping centres) that LDC track and…

Cover of Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice
National assessment policy reform 14–16 and its consequences for young people: student views and experiences of GCSE reform in Northern Ireland and Wales

This paper uses data from a mixed-methods research project which explored the views and experiences of students in Northern Ireland and Wales on the assessment and reform of GCSEs. The research found that while students were generally supportive of the substance of the reforms in each region, they raised concerns about the rapid pace of…

Book Cover
Measuring Youth Well-being: How a pan-European longitudinal survey can improve policy

This volume presents key findings from the EU funded Measuring Youth Well-being (MYWeB) project which assessed the feasibility of a European Longitudinal Study for Children and Young People (ELSCYP). It draws on the original empirical data from a panel of experts in the field of child well-being as well as field experiences from a number…

Image of the Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy journal cover
Measuring spatial accessibility to services within indices of multiple deprivation: implications of applying an enhanced two-step floating catchment area (E2SFCA) approach

Approaches to calculating spatial accessibility within existing indices of multiple deprivation (IMD) methodologies are based on ‘traditional’ accessibility metrics and tend not to adopt more recent methodological enhancements. In particular, the last decade has seen a relatively large body of studies that have applied floating catchment area (FCA) methods that account for both service supply…