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Journal cover
Using routine activity theory to inform a conceptual understanding of the geography of fire events

The cost of fire events can be devastating in human, emotional and financial terms. There is a growing realisation that geographical techniques can be used in cross-disciplinary approaches to gain an understanding of potential causation factors associated with such events. Despite this, the theoretical frameworks within which such research efforts are often couched have received…

European Journal of Social Theory
Dissociation, reflexivity and habitus

Many theorists, in their search for a better explanation of the dynamics of structure and agency, have expressed the need for a theory in which reflexivity and habitus are reconciled. In this article, we argue that a dissociative theory of mind can provide the essential framework in which habitual routines and reflexivity function in parallel….

book cover
Social housing as built heritage: the presence and absence of affective heritage

This chapter uses the lens of affective heritage to consider some of the implications of designating housing, in particular social housing, as cultural heritage for residents’ and former residents’ sense of belonging to place. In doing so it adds to debates within heritage studies that question traditional processes of heritage management and their tendency to…

Book cover
The Symptomatology of Crises: Some Critical Realist Reflections

This chapter interrogates the ontologically stratified nature of crises from a general critical realist perspective. The distinction between money as money and money as capital is one of Marx’s critical contributions to the critique of political economy and the analysis of crises. In particular critical realism distinguishes real mechanisms, actual events and processes, and empirical…

Journal Cover
The determinants of skills use and work pressure: A longitudinal analysis

Employers, workers and governments all have a stake in improving intrinsic job quality since it can help to raise worker well-being and lower the social costs of ill-health. This article provides a unique insight into factors triggering changes to two key aspects of intrinsic job quality – the skills used and developed at work, and…

Journal Cover
Administrative traditions and citizen participation in public policy: a comparative study of France, Germany, the UK and Norway

The participation of citizens in public policy-making has become a key aim for national and supranational institutions across Europe, but the relative importance policy-makers actually accord citizen participation arguably varies due to the alternative administrative traditions within different countries. Using data drawn from a large-scale survey of senior public managers in France, Germany, the United…

book cover
The heartlands of neoliberalism and the rise of the austerity state

This chapter explores the genealogy and development of neoliberalism in its heartlands. What happens here is closely entangled with events, processes and forces elsewhere in the world market, the world of states and global society. It first considers the meaning of heartlands and note some paradoxes in its use in geopolitics, geoeconomics and critical studies…

Report Cover
Gwerthuso’r Cyfnod Sylfaen: adroddiad technegol

Yn yr adroddiad hwn, rydym yn cyflwyno trafodaeth dechnegol ar y gwerthusiad tair blynedd (mis Awst 2011 i fis Awst 2014). Mae hyn yn cynnwys amlinelliad o gynllun y gwerthusiad, y dulliau a ddefnyddiwyd wrth werthuso a gwybodaeth fanwl arall am y gwerthusiad. Mae’r Cyfnod Sylfaen yn bolisi blaenllaw Llywodraeth Cymru ar gyfer addysg y…

British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies 43(1) cover
Participatory governance or deliberative disjuncture? Exploring the state-civil society policy nexus in the gender mainstreaming programmes of seven Middle Eastern states 2005-2015

To better understand why Middle Eastern states continue to languish at the bottom of world rankings on gender equality, this study presents critical discourse analysis of state and civil society organizations’ implementation of the Participative Democratic Model of gender mainstreaming. A requirement of the 1995 United Nations Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, the Participative…