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Public Policy and Administration 31(2)
How does single party dominance influence civil society organisations engagement strategies? Exploratory analysis of participative mainstreaming in a ‘regional’ European polity

A raft of United Nations Treaties, European Union Directives and domestic laws oblige governments in 180 + countries to apply the Participative Democratic Model of mainstreaming equalities to public administration by involving those targeted by equality initiatives at all stages in their design and delivery. Notwithstanding Participative Democratic Model’s deeply political nature, extant work has overlooked how…

Report cover
Where does the money go? Financialised chains and the crisis in residential care

The citizen’s summary of the full report is business and organised money have a political advantage in matters of public policy around outsourced services because the average citizen does not have the knowledge or confidence to engage critically with this kind of financial issue. A democracy where business and finance are socially accountable requires citizens with…

No Image
A Statistical Portrait of Regional Variations in Trade Union Membership

The statistical compendia provides the most comprehensive statistical portrait of regional variations in trade union membership, presence and coverage in the UK undertaken to date.  The analysis explores both trends in membership and how membership varies among different groups within the population and by selected job and workplace characteristics.

Applied Spacial Analysis and Policy cover
Using routinely collected administrative data in public health research: geocoding alcohol outlet data

We describe our process of geocoding alcohol outlets to create a national longitudinal exposure dataset for Wales, United Kingdom from 2006 to 2011. We investigated variation in the availability of data items and the quality of alcohol outlet addresses held within unitary authorities. We used a standard geocoding method augmented with a manual matching procedure…

Journal Cover
‘Leave me alone and let me teach.’ Teachers’ views of Welsh Government education policies and education in Wales

The purpose of this article is twofold: firstly, to discuss what teachers in Wales think about the Welsh Government’s recent education (mainly school) policies, and secondly, to suggest how the educational system in Wales might be improved. It is based on the findings from a general survey conducted by the Wales Institute of Social &…

Journal cover
“I Don’t Think of It As An Illness”: Illness Representations in Mild to Moderate Dementia

The self-regulatory model proposes that illness representations influence adjustment and coping in chronic conditions. Better understanding of the illness representations held by people with dementia could help with targeting information and support so as to optimize adjustment and coping. In this mixed-methods study of illness representations among people with mild to moderate Alzheimer’s, vascular, or mixed…

Social and Cultural Geography
Youth organizations and the reproduction of nationalism in Britain: the role of Urdd Gobaith Cymru

Youth organizations have long played significant roles in promoting particular forms of nationalism among young people in the UK. To date, however, academic studies of UK youth organizations have been Anglocentric, focusing on youth organizations associated with a hegemonic British state and imperial project. This paper seeks to show how youth organizations have also been…

Territory, politics, governance
Territory, Politics, Governance and Multispatial Metagovernance

This article interrogates the concepts in this journal’s title and, drawing on the strategic-relational approach in social theory, explores their interconnections. This conceptual re-articulation is then contextualized in regard to the European Union (EU) as a political regime that serves as a real-time laboratory for experiments in government and governance with implications for redesigning polities,…