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Journal cover
Governing beyond the metropolis: Placing the rural in city-region development

Despite a select group of urban centres generating a disproportionate amount of global economic output, significant attention is being devoted to the impact of urban-economic processes on interstitial spaces lying between metropolitan areas. Nevertheless, there remains a noticeable silence in city-region debate concerning how rural spaces are conceptualised, governed and represented. In this paper we…

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Instrumental Europeans? Minority nationalist parties’ discourse on the European Union: the case of UK meso-elections 1998-2011

Traditionally, minority nationalist parties (MNPs) have employed the notion of Europe in order to advance an alternative to centralized administration within the unitary state. This study examines whether earlier claims of MNPs’ repositioning on the European Union (EU) are supported by a discourse analysis of manifestos in UK meso-elections. The findings confirm a significant shift…

Cymorth Cymru report cover
The Promotion of Social Enterprise, Co-operatives, User-Led Services and the Third Sector in delivering social care

Cymorth Cymru’s members working across the care and support sector have long been keen for Cymorth to extend its services to support their work in delivering care. Running alongside this, we have had an Inquiry into Residential Care chaired by Mark Drakeford, which called for a greater role for not for profit care providers and…

Journal cover
Age and Work-Related Health: Insights from the UK Labour Force Survey

Data from the UK Labour Force Survey (LFS) are used to examine two methodological issues in the analysis of the relationship between age and work-related health. First, the LFS is unusual in that it asks work-related health questions to those who are not currently employed. This facilitates a more representative analysis than that which is…

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Which food and fitness interventions targeting children and young people will help address health inequalities?

Obesity during childhood and youth has reached epidemic proportions (WHO, 2000). Inaddition to the long-term health risks, obesity during childhood and youth is associated withmultiple adolescent health problems ranging from type-2 diabetes to depression (Lobsteinand Jackson, 2007). Being overweight during youth is also associated with a range ofadverse psychosocial outcomes including lower self-esteem (Griffiths et…