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Book Cover
The elite countryside: shifting rural geographies of the transnational super-rich

The contemporary wave of neoliberal globalization has given rise to a new class of the global super-rich, whose wealth is based on a global web of financial interests, and whose lives are lived transnationally between various homes, offices and retreats (see Hay and Muller 2012). The geographies of this transnational elite have been conventionally closely…

Report cover
Cysylltiadau rhwng Diploma Uwch Bagloriaeth Cymru (WBQ) ac addysg uwch (HE)

Mae’r gwerthusiad yn defnyddio methodoleg dulliau cymysg, gan gynnwys elfen feintiol wedi’i seilio ar setiau data presennol. Mae’r gwerthusiad yn adrodd am ddau ganfyddiad allweddol ond cydgysylltiedig. Y cyntaf yw bod tystiolaeth gref i awgrymu bod CBC yn arbennig o werthfawr o ran helpu myfyrwyr i gael eu derbyn i addysg uwch. Mae’n ymddangos bod…

Report front page
Gwerthuso’r Cyfnod Sylfaen: Model rhesymeg polisi a theori rhaglen

Polisi blaenllaw Llywodraeth Cymru ar addysg y blynyddoedd cynnar (ar gyfer plant rhwng 3 a 7 oed) yng Nghymru yw’r Cyfnod Sylfaen. Trwy nodi gwyriad radical oddi wrth y dull mwy ffurfiol, yn seiliedig ar gymhwysedd oedd yn gysylltiedig â Chwricwlwm Cenedlaethol blaenorol Cyfnod Allweddol 1, mae’n eirioli dull datblygiadol, arbrofol, yn seiliedig ar chwarae…

Front Cover of Report
The 2011 European Social Fund Leavers Survey

The aim of the 2011 ESF Leavers Survey is to assist in assessing the effectiveness of labour market interventions delivered under ESF. Telephone interviews were conducted with over six thousand people who had left an ESF project delivered under Priorities 2 and 3 of the Convergence Programme and Priorities 1 and 2 of the Competitiveness…

Report Front Page
WISERD & Welsh Government Evidence Symposium: The Best Start in Life: What do we know about the impact of early interventions on children’s life chances?

The importance of the early years is well understood within the Welsh Government. Since2003 work has been underway to develop effective interventions in this area, such as the Flying Start programme. However, the question of what works best and is most effective remains important. Events such as this that bring colleagues from the policy, academic…

Child Language, Teaching and Therapy
Can a novel word repetition task be a language-neutral assessment tool? : Evidence from Welsh-English bilingual children

In recent years, there has been growing recognition of a need for a general, non-language-specific assessment tool that could be used to evaluate general speech and language abilities in children, especially to assist in identifying atypical development in bilingual children who speak a language unfamiliar to the assessor. It has been suggested that a non-word…

Journal cover
Electoral discourse and formative structural narratives of welfare divergence in multi-level systems: homelessness policy in UK elections 1970-2011

Over recent decades there has been an international shift towards multi-level governance. Against this backdrop, many comparative welfare studies take government policy outputs as the starting point for their analysis. However, the associated pluralization of electoral systems in unitary states means that welfare choices are no longer exclusively informed by single state-wide ballots. Accordingly, this…

Journal Cover
Growing older and social sustainability: considering the ‘serious leisure’ practices of the over 60s in rural communities

The important role which older people play in rural community development through their various activities has become a substantive area of interest across social science disciplines, including gerontology, sociology, psychology and human geography. Reflecting the demographic shift of an ageing countryside within many parts of the global north, the future of rural social policy initiatives…

Journal Cover
Risk, governance and the experience of care

Drawing on perspectives from the governmentality literature and the sociology of risk, this article explores the strategies, tools and mechanisms for managing risk in acute hospital trusts in the United Kingdom. The article uses qualitative material from an ethnographic study of four acute hospital trusts undertaken between 2008 and 2010 focusing on the provision of…