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Rural people and the land

There is a long and fundamental connection between rural place and the land. Whereas land is simply the foundation for the construction of towns and cities, whose urban culture and economy thrive on human ingenuity and industry that may have little direct attachment to the physical ground over which it occurs, historical discourses of rurality…

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The WISERD Geoportal: A tool for the discovery, analysis and visualisation of socio-economic (meta-) data for Wales

The Wales Institute of Socio-Economic Research, Data and Methods (WISERD) is an interdisciplinary, cross-institutional academic research group based in Wales, UK. One of the key objectives of WISERD is to develop a spatial framework that enhances a researcher’s ability to discover socio-economic research data relating to Wales with the aim of encouraging collaborative research and…

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Ethnic cultural legacies and learning English as a foreign language: a social-cultural study in Taiwan

Learning English in Taiwan has become a primary economic concern as industries have recognized the need to compete within global markets in which trade is predominantly carried out in English. The growth in demand for, and supply of, English language education in school settings is escalating. The National Curriculum of Primary and Secondary Schools (Grades…

report cover
The reporting of effect size in Educational Psychology literature

This dissertation discusses issues of effect size in education, psychology and educational psychology literature. Reporting and interpretation of effect size estimates are discussed in terms of the purpose of individual research as conceptualised by Kirk (2001). Also discussed are issues surrounding the reporting and interpretation of null hypothesis significance testing (NHST); as are confidence intervals…

Journal Cover
The Body and Pedagogy: Beyond Absent, Moving Bodies in Pedagogic Practice

Following the corporeal turn in social theory, this paper explores how the body is implicated in pedagogic practice and leaning. Focusing on the body has usually been recognised as part of the regulative rather than instructional discourse in schools. Work has begun to redress the mind–body imbalance through the ‘corporeal device’ developed from Bernstein’s ‘pedagogic…

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From right place – wrong person, to right place – right person: Dignified care for older people

Objectives To examine: older people’s and their relatives’ views of dignified care; health care practitioners’ behaviours and practices in relation to dignified care; the occupational, organizational and cultural factors that impact on care; and develop evidence-based recommendations for dignified care. Methods An ethnography of four acute trusts in England and Wales involving semi-structured interviews with…

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Never “at-Home”?: Migrants between societies

This chapter explores the dialectic meaning of “home,” and movement away from home. Movement away from home—or migration—is characterized as a dynamic, dialectic, and developmental experience. We emphasize the sense of being at-home and the intertwined sense of identity as interlinked and mutually defining anchors of our existence that become inevitably shaken and ruptured in the experience of migration….

First page of the report
The Social Participation and Identity Project in Wales

The Social Participation and Identity Project is based on a qualitative sub-study of 220 in depth biographical interviews conducted as part of the age 50 sweep of the National Child Development Study (NCDS), the UK’s pioneering birth cohort study which began in 1958. Its substantive focus on participation reflects a particular interest in claims, and…

Journal Cover
Investigating the implications of using alternative GIS-based techniques to measure accessibility to green space

A large body of research has examined relationships between accessibility to green space and a variety of health outcomes with many researchers finding benefits in terms of levels of physical activity and relationships with levels of obesity, mental health, and other health conditions. Such studies often use spatial analytical techniques to examine relationships between distance…

Report Cover
Qualitative Researcher: Issue 14

WISERD Qualitative Research Issue 14 contains: Reflections on the craft(ing) of qualitative research – Robin Smith Local music practices and the cultural economy: three spaces of research – Darren Roberts Reading the researcher’s body – Morgan Windram-Geddes Beyond tagging, poking and throwing sheep: Using Facebook in social research – Gareth Thomas Transcription as a ‘research…