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Your search returned 1159 results
Book cover
Poles Apart? Migrant workers in Rural Wales

The enlargement of the European Union (EU) into central and eastern Europe in May 2004 extended labour mobility to millions of new citizens. As one of the few countries to give citizens of the ‘accession states’ unrestricted access to its labour market, Britain became a favoured destination for migrant workers from the new EU members,…

Book cover
Deep rural communities: Exploring service provision in rural Wales

This chapter is concerned with the provision of services in rural Wales. However, the story that is told through the use of quantitative and qualitative data is something more: it shifts the concern to coping strategies, community relations, trust mechanisms and the institutions of public life that constitute these rural areas. This research was completed…

Parliament UK logo on white background
Individual Electoral Registration and Electoral Administration

This evidence specifically relates to the Committee’s work in relation to the reviews of polling places. It urges the Committee to consider not simply the important issue of accessibility in terms of physical access to the polling station by disabled people but also accessibility in terms of distance to travel by all electors in a…

Report Cover
Welsh Graduate Mobility: Full Report

This research report explores Welsh graduate mobility. It seeks to establish the extent to which Wales retains its graduate labour in employment; to estimate the labour market outcomes for „Welsh‟ graduates (i.e. those born in Wales) and to investigate whether and how these may change and what factors may become more significant over time. In…

Stay, Leave or Return? Understanding Welsh Graduate Mobility

This research report explores Welsh graduate mobility. It seeks to establish the extent towhich Wales retains its graduate labour in employment; to estimate the labour marketoutcomes for ‘Welsh’ graduates (i.e. those born in Wales) and to investigate whether andhow these may change and what factors may become more significant over time. In sodoing, the report…

Scottish Affairs (77)
Devolution in Wales and the 2011 Referendum: the beginning of a new era?

The constitutional reform programme pursued by the Labour Government following the 1997 General Election fundamentally recast territorial politics and administration in the United Kingdom. The introduction of devolved institutions across the UK challenged the already somewhat over-stated and loosely defined myth of the ‘unitary state paradigm’ and reinvigorated debates regarding the extent to which the…

Quantum engagements cover image
Encountering the politics of technology: social movement linkage and frame emergence

Chapter in Quantum Engagements: Social Reflections of Nanoscience and Emerging Technologies, edited by Ferrari, A., Fiedeler, U., Coenen, C., Zülsdorf, T., Milburn, C. and Wienroth, M. Today, nanoscience and emerging technologies weave ever more tightly into the social fabric. Scientific and technological innovations at the infinitesimal depths of matter now entail cultural, political, and philosophical…

Public Policy and Administration 27(4)
Promoting decentralized and flexible budgets in England: Lessons from the past and future prospects

The UK has traditionally been viewed as a classic example of a unitary state in which central institutions dominate decision making. The recent Labour Government sought to counter this convention through devolution to Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and London and administrative decentralization to the English regions. This article examines New Labours efforts to promote sub-national…