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Using Survey Data to Identify Migration Patterns

This briefing focuses on the difficulty in obtaining the information needed to identify patterns of (temporary) migration, which appear to have become more diverse in recent years, facilitated by developments in transportation and increased globalisation. It is mainly concerned with examining how survey data may be used to shed further light on the issue. It…

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Childhood Obesity in Wales

The human capital, or the health, education and skills of the next generation, will be fundamental in determining their labour market success and the future prosperity of the Welsh economy. While it is today’s children who will form this future generation economic analysis typically ignores this group until they reach working age. However, there is…

Human Resource Management Journal 21(2)
The Post-Application Labour Market Experiences of Employment Tribunal claims

Human Resource Management Journal 21(2) pp 171-189 This article examines the post-application employment consequences for individuals registering complaints to Employment Tribunals following dismissal or redundancy. We consider several pieces of evidence: (a) the probability of finding another job, (b) the time taken to get a new job and (c) the pay/status of the new job….

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Book Review: Geospatial Techniques in Urban Hazard and Disaster Analysis

Excerpt The primary focus of this volume is on the use of spatial technologies in urban hazard and disaster issues, concentrating on their use in four stages in the disaster management process: response, recovery, preparation, and mitigation. … the editors of this volume have provided an extremely useful addition to the literature in this area…

The Welsh Labour Market Following the Great Recession

The paper reviews public discourses and research on the safeguarding of other people’s children by adults at the neighbourhood level. There is much empirical evidence pointing to the existence of thriving informal communities of support and informal childcare for parents across the social classes. There appears to be less empirical evidence related to intervening with…

Book Cover
‘Our Own People’: Ethnic Majority Orientations to Nation and Country

In this chapter we examine orientations towards nation and country with sole reference to the ‘ethnic majority’ in England. Drawing on extensive qualitative interview data collected as part of the Leverhulme Programme, we examine the nuanced ways in which majority people orientate to concepts of nation, country and multiculturalism. We illustrate the linkages between these…

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Brief report: Multilevel analysis of school smoking policy and pupil smoking behaviour in Wales

A multilevel analysis of cross-sectional data from a survey involving 1941 pupils (in grades 10 and 11) and policy indicators developed from interviews with staff from 45 secondary schools in Wales examined the hypotheses that pupil smoking prevalence would be associated with: restrictive staff and pupil smoking policies; dissemination of school smoking policies; and implementation of smoking…