Biomapping Research Presented at International Conference

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An innovative biomapping research project funded by WISERD was presented at the recent Royal Geographical Society / Institute of British Geographers Conference in London (31st August – 2nd September 2011).

The annual event is the second largest geography conference in the world, attracting 1300 speakers and 1500 delegates.

The research, devised and constructed by Dr Chris Taylor (Cardiff School of Social Sciences) and Dr Jon Anderson (Cardiff School of City and Regional Planning), explores the biophysical and emotional relationship between people and place.

By using state of the art galvanic skin response technology, the project maps the biophysical records of human interaction with new and familiar environments to create innovative cartographies.

Dr Anderson presented a research method symposium at the conference and premiered a ten minute documentary film entitled ‘Capturing the moving relations between people and place’. This documentary, and presentations from the event, are available to watch below.

Documentary: Capturing the Moving relations Between People and Place
