Formal Launch of WISERD

Mae'r cynnwys hwn ar gael yn Saesneg yn unig.

The formal launch of WISERD took place at the Senedd Building on 22 October 2009.

Present were a large audience of invited academics, policy makers and colleagues from non-governmental organisations.  Guests gathered to hear speeches made by the WISERD Director Huw Beynon, Pro Vice Chancellor for Research for Cardiff University Professor Teresa Rees, Chief Executive of the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales Professor Philip Gummett and the Right Honorable Rhodri Morgan, First Minister for Wales.

First Minister Rhodri Morgan said: “WISERD is part of the Welsh Assembly Government’s commitment to enhancing research in Wales. It will do this by not only ensuring adequate investment, but also by focusing on building excellent research management capacity within Welsh Higher Education Institutions.

Professor Beynon thanked staff from each of the five partner institutions (the Universities of Aberystwyth, Bangor, Cardiff, Glamorgan and Swansea) for their hard work and perseverance in making WISERD a reality.
