Mediating Civil Society: is Wales getting the Media Services it deserves?

Mae'r cynnwys hwn ar gael yn Saesneg yn unig.



Media policy in and for Wales should be founded on evidence based on the Welsh market, culture and civil society. And, media policy has yet to realise the realities of devolution. These were amongst some of the key conclusions presented at the latest in the WISERD Civil Society Seminar Series that took place on Thursday 28th January, 2016 at the University of South Wales, Cardiff. The well-attended event heard from Dr Ruth McElroy (University of South Wales) and Hywel William (Director, Advisors in Media) as they presented the findings of their project ‘Wales Media Audit: mapping the state of the mediated nation’ – that was part-financed with WISERD Research Development Funding.

In the seminar, analysis from the Wales Media Audit Report also pointed to major changes in the media landscape in Wales. The audience heard the consequences of this shift for civil society, for communities and for the sustainability of Welsh creative industries. Another of the core findings discussed was the fact that, at a time when Wales as a democratic entity has never been more clearly defined, the sources of information for debate and scrutiny about government, culture and identity are drying up. Overall, this presents a major and significant challenge to civil society and democracy. The full IWA Wales Media Audit can be accessed here.
