
Keynote Speeches Confirmed for WISERD Annual Conference

Professor Lindsay Paterson, Professor Laura McAllister and Professor David Martin to give Keynote Speeches at Annual Conference. Keynote speakers for WISERD’s fourth annual conference have been confirmed.  Discussing topics on national identity; devolution; and the Census, the three speakers will deliver their keynote address to an audience of academic, policy, public, private and third sector…

WISERD Director presents at What Works Wales event

WISERD Director, Professor Gareth Rees, was one of a panel of speakers involved in a What Works Wales event on Friday 17th May.  The event was organised by the Alliance for Useful Evidence in collaboration with the Big Lottery Fund and in partnership with Wales Public Services 2025. The seminar was the Alliance’s first event…

Census debate to take place at Wales’ largest Social Science Conference

Delegates join distinguished keynote speakers for special Census debate   A unique opportunity to discuss the Census will take place at the Annual Conference for the Wales Institute for Social & Economic Research, Data & Methods (WISERD). Now in its fourth year, the WISERD Annual Conference is Wales’ largest social science conference; bringing practitioners, policy…

Research Director Presents Findings on Welsh Baccalaureate and Higher Education

Research Director, Professor Chris Taylor presented his findings on the relationship between the Welsh Baccalaureate Advanced Diploma (WBQ) and Higher Education (HE) at Cardiff University’s Policy Café last night (26th March). The event followed the release of the report: Relationships between the Welsh Baccalaureate Advanced Diploma (WBQ) and Higher Education (HE) from the Welsh Government…

Welsh Bacc may be worse for university performance – WISERD study covered by national press

Professor Chris Taylor is interviewed  on his research for the Welsh Government report: Relationships between the Welsh Baccalaureate Advanced Diploma (WBQ) and Higher Education (HE) Wales Online – BBC News – ITV News –

New Research Project for the Sutton Trust

Tracking the progress of Assisted Place holders thirty years on Co-Director Professor Sally Power will lead on a new research project, awarded to WISERD by the Sutton Trust, which will look into the progress of Assisted Place holders. The research aims to explore the long-term impact of the Assisted Places Scheme on beneficiaries’ occupational and…

WISERD Report Published by Welsh Government

A report written by academic staff at WISERD Swansea, entitled ‘An analysis of subjective wellbeing in Wales: Evidence from the Annual Population Survey’, was published by the Welsh Government on 31st October 2012. This report examines Annual Population Survey (APS) data containing new questions on Subjective Wellbeing (SWB). It focuses on comparisons between variations in SWB across…