
‘Race, gender and the stereotyping of young people’s role models’

Further coverage on school pupil’s modern day heroes and villains from WISERD Education on an article published by The Conversation and Celeb Youth, can be accessed below. The Conversation – Celeb youth –

International Research from WISERD’s Civil Society Programme Reveals Gender Equality Challenges in India and Nepal

A new study by Professor Paul Chaney reveals how governments in South Asia are failing to fully engage and respond to civil society organisations’ policy demands on women’s rights and representation. ‘Under the terms of a key United Nations’ agreement of 1995 (globally subscribed to by 180+ states), countries are required to listen and respond…

Career Opportunity: Post-Doctoral Research Associate

We are seeking to appoint a Post-Doctoral Research Associate to work as part of the ESRC (Economic & Social Research Council) WISERD Civil Society Research Centre at Aberystwyth University. WISERD Civil Society is a new flagship research centre funded by the ESRC to undertake an innovative and farreaching five-year research programme of multi-disciplinary, policy relevant…

‘The cult of celebrity: school children’s modern day heroes’ – My Science UK

Professor Sally Power and Dr Kevin Smith received coverage from their research into which famous people school pupils most admire and dislike.  The findings reveal that the most admired are celebrities and sportspeople, with Jessie J, Taylor Swift and Beyoncé achieving the top three positions. The coverage, published on My Science UK, can be accessed via…

Professor Chris Taylor interviewed on the BBC’s ‘Week in Week Out’, discussing Welsh university admission

Professor Chris Taylor addressed access to higher education in Wales in BBC One Wales’ programme Week In Week Out ‘Is It Because I’m From Wales?’ on Monday 8th February.  He discussed the quality of teaching and the contrast in admissions to University from students who have the same grades but attend different schools.

Women’s marginalisation in post-war UK politics

On 2nd February Prof Paul Chaney presented the findings of a recent study of political representation to a seminar organised by the Chwarae Teg Research Hub. The paper analysed the parliamentary scrutiny of the substantive representation of women (SRW) in UK Governments’ Post-War legislative programmes. The SRW refers to the situation whereby women’s needs and…

Jeremy Corbyn’s youth appeal: His support risks becoming dominated by people who won’t vote for him

On 19th January both the Labour Party’s internal report into the reason for its defeat in the 2015 general election, as well as the British Polling Council’s interim report looking at why the opinion polls had so spectacularly failed to predict the result, were published. A common theme in both documents was the over-dependence of both…