
WISERD Attends International Third Sector Conference in Sweden

WISERD was present at the International Society for Third Sector Research (ISTR) 12th International Conference at Ersta Skondal University College, Stockholm, Sweden. This year the conference theme was ‘The Third Sector in Transition: Accountability, Transparency, and Social Inclusion’. The WISERD stall did brisk business attracting interest from the many conference-goers drawn from all over the…

EU Referendum Results: What does it mean for Wales?

Professor David Blackaby comments on the implications for Wales of leaving the EU. In a radio interview this morning with Share Radio, Professor Blackaby discusses the ‘extraordinary’ result and comments how Wales will have benefited from £5 billion of structural funding (between 2000 – 2020) and predicts a possible immediate consequence of ‘Brexit’, following the…

An Update from the WISERD Housing Network

The Housing Network brings together researchers and research organisations in the field of housing in order to advance housing studies in Wales and beyond. The latest meeting, which was held on 15th June 2016, included participants from a number of leading universities, government, the public sector, and voluntary organisations. Research updates were given from academics and…

WISERD at the Research in Practice Leaders’ Forum

On June 10th Professor Paul Chaney was an invited plenary speaker at the Research in Practice Leaders’ Forum Conference in Birmingham. The Forum brings together Directors, assistant directors and strategic managers across a network of 80+ major third sector organisations and local authorities. This year’s conference centred on the topic of devolution and its implications…