
WISERD Civil Society Seminar: Bowling Together? Civil Society in a North East Wales Village

    On Wednesday 16th March, Dr Robin Mann, Professor Howard Davis, Dr David Dallimore and Dr Marta Eichsteller presented their emergent findings from the WISERD Civil Society project ‘Researching Civil Participation, in Place, and Over Time’ at Bangor University. The seminar was entitled: ‘Bowling Alone? Civil Society in a North East Wales Village’. The…

WISERD Training & Capacity Building Event: Statistics and SPSS Training Day

Location: Alun Buildings, Bangor University Dates: 23rd March 2015 – Start: 10:00am, Finish: 7:00pm 24th March 2015 –  Start: 9:00am, Finish: 3:30pm – See more at: WISERD is committed to delivering a series of Training & Capacity Building events having identified the types of courses that would be of most benefit to WISERD researchers and those outside of…

Britain’s Millennials will vote to Remain in June – if they turn up

It is well established that today’s generation of young voters – the Millennials – are the most pro-EU since Britain joined the European Economic Community in 1973. Even as support for membership of the EU has fluctuated over time, the Millennials have been by far the most supportive. The campaigns ahead of the referendum on the 23rd of…

New study: Young People & the EU Referendum

Leading-up to Britain’s EU membership referendum on the 23rd of June, WISERD is running a study of the attitudes, preferences and engagement throughout the referendum campaign of today’s young people. The study ‘Should we stay or should we go: Young People and the EU Referendum‘ will include several surveys of young people throughout the UK asking…

WISERD News: latest edition out now!

The latest edition of WISERD News is now available – featuring updates on current projects and research findings as well as events and engagement activity. IN THIS ISSUE: Flexible Pre-School Education Pilots: Separating the Impactful from the Impractical Dr Daniel Evans gives an overview of his role in evaluating the implementation and impact of flexibility…

‘Race, gender and the stereotyping of young people’s role models’

Further coverage on school pupil’s modern day heroes and villains from WISERD Education on an article published by The Conversation and Celeb Youth, can be accessed below. The Conversation – Celeb youth –

Where does the money go when your local authority pays more than £500 per week for a care home bed?

Everyone’s agreed that there is a crisis in adult social care and the sector needs more money but no one has looked into where and with whom the money ends up. A new CRESC public interest report titled Where does the money go? The financialised chains and the crisis in social care shows uses follow-the-money research to show how…