Social media and young people

Mae'r cynnwys hwn ar gael yn Saesneg yn unig.

It’s Safe Internet Day today – an opportunity to focus our attention on the growing popularity of social media among young people and some of the challenges this poses, such as the potential risks associated with young people’s use of social media during the night and a growing concern around cyberbullying.

Dr. Constantino Dumangane Jr. is currently conducting research on a longitudinal study of secondary students in schools across Wales for the WISERD Education project. Analysing young people’s progress in schools over the last four years has involved examining their online social media habits and experiences of cyberbullying. Read his blog to learn more about the findings.

1 in 5 young people regularly wake up in the night to send or check messages on social media, according to research by Professor Sally Power, which was published in the Journal of Youth Studies last month. This night-time activity is making teenagers three times more likely to feel constantly tired at school than their peers who do not log on at night, and could be affecting their happiness and wellbeing. Read more about Professor Sally Power’s study on our website.
