WISERD celebrates a successful 2014 Annual Conference

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The fifth WISERD Annual Conference was held on 3-4 July 2014 at Aberystwyth University. The event was a great success with nearly 130 delegates and over 70 papers presented throughout the two days.

The programme reflected WISERD’s inter-disciplinary and inter-institutional profile, with presentations from researchers from the academic, policy, public and third sectors from across the UK on a wide range of important topics. Click here to find out more about the conference and to download a copy of the programme.

The event generated significant attention on Twitter (#WISERD2014) and was widely seen as a forum for engaged and fruitful discussion, with one delegate stating that it was a ‘great opportunity to meet other researchers around Wales with whom I could build links‘, and another stating ‘it gave me an insight into the wider world of social science and how other professional researchers present their work‘.

An image gallery is available below and podcasts from keynote speakers Professors Bob Jessop and Karel Williams will be added to the website over the coming weeks.

We would like to thank all attendees, chairs and speakers for a wonderful WISERD 2014 Annual Conference. We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did and we look forward to seeing you at the next one.

Click through the Image Gallery below:

Photographs © Keith Morris 2014
