WISERD Engagement – December Meetings of the Research User Group & Language, Culture and Identity Research Network

Mae'r cynnwys hwn ar gael yn Saesneg yn unig.


Dr Ceryn Evans presents to the Research User Group


December has seen further key activities as part of WISERD’s engagement work. December 15th saw the meeting of WISERD’s Research User Group – whilst earlier in the month, the Language, Culture and Identity Research Network met on December 4th. Both are integral to linking the work of WISERD researchers to civil society, government and the public and private sectors.

Invitees to the Research User Group included Martyn Jones (Director, Diverse Cymru), Non Gwilym (Head, PR & Communications, National Assembly for Wales), Nina Prosser (CWVYS Vice-President & Research Officer Welsh Government), Faye Gracey (Social Research Association/ Welsh Government), Oliver Townsend (Principal Research Officer, Cymorth Cymru), Sara Pepper (Dir. Creative Cymru), and Jacqueline Campbell (Senior Research Officer, Shelter Cymru).  Prof Paul Chaney outlined details of WISERD’s research and engagement activities over the past 12 months –whilst project presentations were given by Dr Ceryn Evans, Wil Chivers and Dr Helen Blakely. User Group participants provided constructive and positive comments as well as feedback that will guide WISERD’s work over the next 12 months.



Video-conferencing allowed discussion of future research plans by members of the Language, Culture and Identity Research Network based in Cardiff, Aberystwyth, Sheffield, Bangor, Birmingham and Swansea.

At the beginning of the month the Language, Culture and Identity Research Network met virtually allowing academics and participants from external organisations to link up to discuss future research and collaboration – including a day conference on minority languages and work in 2016.
