WISERD Podcast: Rural Change and Development in Globalization

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Professor Mike Woods presents his new research project: The Global Countryside: Rural Change and Development in Globalization.

WISERD Co-Director Professor Michael Woods has been awarded a £2.27 million Advanced Grant by the European Research Council for research on ‘The Global Countryside: Rural Change and  Development in Globalization’ (GLOBAL-RURAL). The five year project, which will begin in February, will be undertaken by an Aberystwyth-based team, including WISERD lecturer Jesse Heley and former WISERD researcher Laura Jones, as well as three new post-doctoral researchers (to be appointed) and two PhD students.

The project aims to develop understanding of how globalization processes have an impact in reshaping rural economics, societies and culture, and how rural communities respond to these changes and challenges.

Click below to listen to Professor Woods discuss this project further:

Click here to listen to other podcasts in the series.
