Social and Political Science 2018. Handbook on the Geographies of Regions and Territories. pp 1-20.

Mae'r cynnwys hwn ar gael yn Saesneg yn unig.

Region and territory have been major keywords of geographical thinking, methodology and research practice since the institutionalization of geography as an academic discipline at the end of the nineteenth century. Even before this, region and territory were fundamental categories, with some authors tracing the roots of Regional Geography to classical Greece (Claval 1998). However, it is in the modern era where Regional Geography was, for a long time, presented in many states as the crown of the discipline and a critical subarea for Geography’s disciplinary identity (Peet 1998; Agnew 2018). But what is a region?
How are they constructed? How do regions relate to territory? Are regions and territories still relevant in today’s modern world characterized by all kinds of flows and networks? How are regions and territories affected and shaped by social forces? What does it mean to study the geographies of regions and territories? What does the future hold for these spatial categories? These are just some of the key questions which have shaped the long intellectual history of regions and territories in geography, and are as relevant today as they have ever been.