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Children’s Worlds National Report Wales

This is the welsh national report of the third wave of the International Survey of Childrens’ Wellbeing (ISCIWEB) data collection, with a representative sample of at least 1,000 children per age group. Children’s Worlds, the International Survey of Children’s Well-Being (ISCWeB), is a worldwide research survey on children’s subjective well-being. The study aims to collect…

Publication Image
The rationale for subsidiarity as a principle applied within curriculum reform and its unintended consequences

Following trends across the developed world to devolve power and responsibility for public services to more local agencies, curriculum reforms in several countries have been characterised by policies designed to increase teacher agency and professionalism as a means of achieving successful change. In Wales, this approach has been promoted through adoption of a principle of…

The World Bank and the financing of education – A thirty-year retrospective: Expansion of educational support

The past thirty years have seen a remarkable expansion of the World Bank’s programme of educational support. During this period the Bank has established itself as the largest financier of education in the developing world (World Bank 2018). In this article we examine the trends in World Bank education funding, its research and strategy from…

Growing up in Wales postcards - three designs
Growing up in Wales: school students’ perspectives and experiences

We’ve gathered young people’s views on their teachers, school trips, why they’ve been asked to leave the classroom and why they’ve been given a detention. We also asked about the GCSE subjects they’ve chosen and their awareness of vocational education. We’ve also asked them about growing up in Wales more generally, including their awareness of…

Report Cover
Early Childhood Education and Care: Policy Development

This briefing is the third in a series providing a quick guide to early childhood education and care (ECEC). The first two papers considered how ECEC services can be structured, organised and delivered. This final paper looks at the key policy questions around ECEC including who it is really for, how available and accessible it…

Studies in Higher Education 45(7)
The ‘civic premium’ of university graduates: the impact of massification on associational membership

Considerable attention has been paid to the economic benefits of participating in higher education, particularly the ‘economic premium’ of graduates compared to non-graduates. Although the civic contribution of graduates has been widely acknowledged and discussed, there has been a dearth of empirical analysis that investigates this contribution. Furthermore, the massification of higher education in the…

Report front cover
Early Childhood Education and Care: Quality matters

This briefing is the second in a series providing a quick guide to early childhood education and care (ECEC). In the context of international evidence, it sets out to examine what quality ECEC looks like, how quality ECEC needs to be organised, and how this is reflected against current policy, provision and practice in Wales….

Briefing front page
Evaluation, Impact and Outcomes in working with children and young people in regional and minority language revitalisation efforts

Despite the commonalities in their work and in the opportunities and challenges that they face, prior to this workshop, there has been little interaction between organisations working with children and young people in language promotion across the four cases: Wales, Scotland, the North of Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. As a result, the aims…