
Stress, Environment and the Human Body

What effects do different environments have upon stress levels in the human body? What affect does it have upon our well-being and health? In order to test this in June 2014 WISERD’s biomapping project was invited by BBC Coast to ‘stress-test’ its presenter Nicholas Crane. The WISERD funded biomapping research project, led by Professor Chris Taylor(WISERD) and Dr Jon Anderson (CPLAN), ‘stress-tested’ the BBC…

Storied Lands

Our lives, and the landscapes in which we live in, are storied in nature. These stories come in many different forms: from policy materials, census data, media reports, official documents and scholarly insight, to authorial fantasy. According to Piatti and Hurni (2011: 218), these stories form a ‘rich geographical layer’ that ‘hovers… above the physically…

Biomapping Research Presented at International Conference

An innovative biomapping research project funded by WISERD was presented at the recent Royal Geographical Society / Institute of British Geographers Conference in London (31st August – 2nd September 2011). The annual event is the second largest geography conference in the world, attracting 1300 speakers and 1500 delegates. The research, devised and constructed by Dr…