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Dychwelodd eich chwiliad 229 canlyniad
A cover of Private Tutoring China by W. John Morgan
Private Tutoring Before and After the ‘‘Double-Reduction’’ Policy in China: Choices and Rationale

Despite private tutoring gaining increasing popularity in many countries, studies of the choice of and rationale for private tutoring among Chinese parents before and after the ‘‘double reduction’’ policy (issued on July 24, 2021) in China are limited. This mixed-methods paper compares parents’ choice of private tutoring before and after the policy and the role…

WMCS Annual Report 2022-23 front cover - purple with colourful illustration showing transport, school uniform, ballot box, Welsh flag and more.
Astudiaeth Aml-Garfan Addysg WISERD (11eg Arolwg Blynyddol) Adroddiad Blynyddol 2022-23

Yma, rydym yn darparu crynodeb o ganfyddiadau allweddol yr 11eg arolwg (2022-23). Mae’r pynciau yn cynnwys ymddiried yn yr ysgol, hyder disgyblion, Cymraeg, gwisg ysgol, pryderon hinsawdd, gwleidyddiaeth a’r frenhiniaeth, streiciau a phrotestiadau diweddar, methu allan ar deithiau ysgol, a dyheadau disgyblion.

A cover of The varied landscape of alternative education provision in the UK
The varied landscape of alternative education provision in the UK: a home international comparison

This report provides an analysis of the key differences and similarities in the landscape of alternative education provision (AEP) in the UK. As part of the ESRC-funded Excluded Lives Project, it attempts to illuminate some of the contextual factors that may contribute to the very different rates of school exclusion in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland…

British Journal of Educational Studies 66(1) cover
Recent Trends in Formal School Exclusions in Wales

Historically Wales has been regarded as a country with relatively low levels of school exclusion, particularly in comparison with England. This has been used as an indicator of Wales’ commitment to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, which foregrounds a rights-based agenda that would argue school exclusion is a consequence of broader…

WMCS at 10 booklet cover ENG
Astudiaeth Aml-garfan Addysg WISERD: Canfyddiadau allweddol o 2012-2022

Rhagair Yn ddiweddar, dathlodd Astudiaeth Aml-garfan Addysg WISERD (WMCS) ei phenblwydd yn 10 oed. Astudiaeth hydredol o blant a phobl ifanc yng Nghymru yw’r WMCS. Fe’i sefydlwyd yn 2012 gan yr Athro Sally Power a’r Athro Chris Taylor i olrhain cynnydd plant a phobl ifanc sy’n tyfu lan yng Nghymru. O dan eu stiwardiaeth mae’r…

Chinese Culture and Adult Learning: Between Tradition and Experiment
Chinese Culture and Adult Learning: Between Tradition and Experiment

Learning has occupied a prominent place in Chinese culture since ancient times with the philosophy and practice of K’ung Ch’iu, (c551-c479, BCE), known to the Occident as Confucius, a pervasive influence (Liu Wu-Chi 1955). The promotion of learning was the duty of Imperial officials, and this also achieved high levels of civic participation by local…

Journal Cover
Beyond bad behaviour? Towards a broader understanding of school student activism

This paper explores UK school students’ protest activism relating to their schools’ policies and practices, drawing on two datasets: 1) a newspaper analysis of media reports relating to school protests between 2000 and 2021; 2) a survey of 800 secondary school pupils in Wales. Drawing on social movements literature and adapting concepts for the school…

Journal cover
Rights, rules and remedies: interrogating the policy discourse of school exclusion in Wales

Wales is often compared favourably to other countries because of its commitment to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and lower levels of school exclusions. Systematic analysis of policy documents reveals the dominance of a rights-based discourse in approaching the challenge of school exclusions, which are explained in terms of socio-economic circumstances…

Journal cover
Rights, rules and remedies: interrogating the policy discourse of school exclusion in Wales

Wales is often compared favourably to other countries because of its commitment to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and lower levels of school exclusions. Systematic analysis of policy documents reveals the dominance of a rights-based discourse in approaching the challenge of school exclusions, which are explained in terms of socio-economic circumstances…

Front page of publication with image of woman working at home office
Newyddion WISERD: Argraffiad 20

Croeso gan Gyfarwyddwr WISERD Yn y rhifyn hwn o Newyddion WISERD ceir amrywiaeth o newyddion o bob rhan o sefydliadau partner WISERD a rhai o’r ychwanegiadau diweddaraf i flog WISERD; rwy’n gobeithio bod y rhifyn yn dangos ein cyfraniad parhaus i ymchwil ym maes y gwyddorau cymdeithasol a’r ffyrdd yr ydym yn dylanwadu ar bolisïau…