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Dychwelodd eich chwiliad 229 canlyniad
Working in Schools: Job Quality of educational professionals before and after the pandemic

The quality of the education system cannot exceed the quality of its teachers. But this Government has made the profession less and less attractive to new graduates. This important report exposes how hard teachers’ working lives have become. It makes a clear, succinct and powerful case that the intensity of teachers’ work is unsustainable.  The…

Y dilyniant rhwng y rhywiau a’r bwlch cyflog i athrawon yng Nghymru

Archwiliodd y Cipolwg Data hwn wahaniaethau rhwng staff addysgu benywaidd a gwrywaidd ar wahanol gyfnodau gyrfa gan ddefnyddio Cyfrifiad Blynyddol Gweithlu’r Ysgol (SWAC). Canfu’r dadansoddiad fod athrawon benywaidd yn ennill mwy nag athrawon gwrywaidd ar lefel athrawon ar lawr dosbarth. Fodd bynnag, gwrthdrôdd y duedd hon i athrawon mewn uwch arweinyddiaeth, lle’r oedd athrawon gwrywaidd…

Sut mae arweiniad gyrfaoedd i ddisgyblion ysgol yn cael ei flaenoriaethu?

Mae’r Cipolwg Data hwn yn archwilio sut y defnyddir gwybodaeth i lywio penderfyniadau ynghylch darparu cyfweliadau arweiniad gyrfaoedd ymhlith disgyblion cyfnod allweddol 4 (CA4) yng Nghymru. Mae’n archwilio pwysigrwydd cymharol nodweddion cefndirol sydd wedi’u cynnwys mewn cofnodion addysg weinyddol o’u cymharu â gwybodaeth a ddarparwyd gan ddisgyblion drwy offeryn diagnostig Gyrfa Cymru.

Effeithiolrwydd arweiniad gyrfaoedd wrth gefnogi cyfranogiad mewn Addysg a Hyfforddiant Ôl-orfodol (PCET)

Mae’r Cipolwg Data hwn yn archwilio’r dylanwad y gall arweiniad gyrfaoedd ei gael ar bontio i Addysg a Hyfforddiant Ôl-orfodol (PCET) yng Nghymru. Mae’r dadansoddiad yn archwilio cyfraddau pontio i AHO yng Nghymru, a yw derbyn arweiniad gyrfaoedd yn ystod cyfnod allweddol 4 yn cefnogi pontio i AHO ac, os felly, a yw o fudd…

Journal cover
Classroom exclusions: patterns, practices, and pupil perceptions

This paper examines the under-researched phenomenon of classroom exclusions and their implications for school exclusions. Responses from nearly 1500 secondary school pupils indicate that being expelled from the classroom is a common phenomenon. On average, one-third of pupils have been asked to leave the classroom at some point in the previous year. However, it is…

The Politics of International Intellectual Cooperation - article
The Politics of International Intellectual Cooperation – Sustain our Common Humanity

The 20th century saw the catastrophes of the First and Second World Wars. International intellectual cooperation was considered necessary if humanity were to renew civilized society and build a prosperous economy to the benefit of all. Such exchange also became an instrument of ideological “soft-power” or cultural diplomacy, using propaganda, and exploiting the arts, sciences,…