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Your search returned 1159 results
Citizenship Studies 25(8) cover
Data-Driven Citizenship Regimes in Contemporary Urban Scenarios

This Special Issue presents new perspectives on the idea of digital citizenship by delving into the nexus between its emerging concepts, the consequences of the global pandemic crisis, and the urban environment. It does so by addressing a wide range of case studies from three continents and developing two main hypotheses. First, the COVID-19 outbreak…

Postpandemic Technopolitical Democracy: Algorithmic Nations, Data Sovereignty, Digital Rights, and Data Cooperatives
Postpandemic Technopolitical Democracy: Algorithmic Nations, Data Sovereignty, Digital Rights, and Data Cooperatives

COVID-19 has hit citizens dramatically during 2020, not only creating a general risk-driven environment encompassing a wide array of economic vulnerabilities but also exposing them to pervasive digital risks, such as biosurveillance, misinformation, and e-democracy algorithmic threats. Over the course of the pandemic, a debate has emerged about the appropriate democratic and technopolitical response when…

The dynamics of disability and benefit receipt in Britain

This article provides a comprehensive analysis of the dynamic relationship between disability and welfare benefit receipt in Britain. Exploiting rarely used longitudinal data, it examines the impact of disability onset and disability exit on receipt of a range of beneficial outcomes, utilizing differences in the timing of onset/exit for identification. Disability onset increases receipt of…

North Wales Growth Deal Research Report - front cover
North Wales Growth Deal Research Report

This report was produced in November 2022 as part of research undertaken by the Wales Institute of Social and Economic Research and Data (WISERD) as part of its ESRC Centre research programme. Fifteen remote interviews were conducted in English or Welsh (depending on the participant’s choice) by three researchers (Dr Beel, Prof IR Jones, Dr…

Canadian Slavonic Papers
A history of education in modern Russia: aims, ways, outcomes

This book is in Bloomsbury Academic’s History of Modern Russia series. Wayne Dowler provides in a single, short volume an excellent, readable account of the system of education in modern Russia. This is difficult to do, considering the vicissitudes of the country’s modern history. It is timely as Russia enters of its own accord into another period…

Mapping active travel variations in access to key services in Wales - briefing paper front cover
Mapping active travel variations in access to key services in Wales

Introduction Events surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic drew attention to the importance of local neighbourhoods as people were encouraged wherever possible to work from home, the physical and mental health benefits of active means of travel were promoted, and communities became more reliant on services in their local areas. At the same time governments around the…

Eurasian geography and economics
Rampart nations: bulwark myths of east European multiconfessional societies in the age of nationalism

Russia’s war against Ukraine, beginning in 2014 and intensifying in 2022, has stimulated much journalistic commentary, well-informed and ill-informed, on Eastern Europe since the end of the Soviet Union, considered by Putin a geopolitical catastrophe for the Russky Mir (Russian World). This perspective is encouraged by the quasi-philosophy of Alexander Dugin that has similarities with…

Western US Basque-American e-Diaspora: Action Research in California, Idaho, and Nevada
Western US Basque-American e-Diaspora: Action Research in California, Idaho, and Nevada.

Basque settlement increased in the western states of the US decades ago, particularly in California, Idaho, and Nevada. Alongside this migration phenomenon, Basque Studies programs have been emerging at the University of Nevada, Reno (UNR), Boise State University (BSU), and California State University, Bakersfield (CSUB), particularly in the humanities, including history, anthropology, linguistics, and literature….

Civil Society in an Age of Uncertainty - front cover of book
Digital threat or opportunity? Local civil society in an age of global inter-connectivity

This chapter examines the challenges and opportunities for local civil society posed by digital technologies, especially social media. Drawing upon case studies of local civil society groups in three localities in Wales – Aberystwyth, Cardiff and Swansea – they explored the dynamics of reconfiguration of local civil society and how the new digital technologies have…

Civil Society in an Age of Uncertainty - front cover of book
Xenophobia, hostility and austerity:: European migrants and civil society in Wales

This chapter highlights turbulence and uncertainty in relation to contemporary patterns and processes of migration. This has been driven by a variety of causes including the international rise of populism and Brexit. Many EU citizens have been targeted in xenoracist incidents. A review of the academic and policy literature underlines how many accounts take an…