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front cover of paper
The UK Gender Pay Gap: Does Firm Size Matter?

Motivated by the introduction of the UK Gender Pay Gap Reporting legislation to large firms, defined as over 250 employees, we use linked employee-employer panel data from the Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings to explore pre-legislation variation in the gender pay gap by firm size. In doing so, we integrate two prominent but distinct…

Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography
Situating spatial justice in counter-urban lifestyle mobilities: relational rural theory in a time of crisis

The COVID-19 pandemic has renewed the rural idyll, as urban-dwellers seek greener, safer spaces. If the counter-urban trend appears for novel reasons, it does so along lifestyle mobilities’ well-worn paths. These paths often depend upon spatial inequalities. Yet, despite awareness that inequalities undergird mobilities, spatial inequalities have remained under-theorized in the lifestyle mobilities literature. This…

Journal Cover
A typology of multiple exclusion homelessness

Quantitative exploration of sub-groups of people experiencing homelessness facing similar challenges, or multiple exclusion homelessness (MEH), is limited in Great Britain—as is discussion of what these groupings mean for policy and practice. Through secondary analysis of survey data from a study of single people experiencing homelessness in England, Scotland, and Wales, this paper aims to…

Dialogues in Human Geography
Assets and assemblage in the global countryside

In the north-western corner of Tasmania lies the 22,000 hectare Woolnorth property, the largest dairy farm in the southern hemisphere. In 2016, Woolnorth was acquired by Moon Lake Investments, a company owned by a Chinese window-blind manufacturer with no prior experience of farming, for AUS$220m (US$170m). The sale was controversial, provoking outrage in the Australian…

Journal cover
Towards an understanding of inequalities in accessing residential and nursing home provision: The role of geographical approaches

Suggestions of the existence of so-called ‘social care deserts’ in England in the years leading up to the COVID-19 pandemic drew attention to the potential impact of geographical inequalities on the availability of residential, nursing and domiciliary care. To date, much of this analysis has been conducted at spatially aggregated scales such as that of…

The International Journal of Children's Rights Cover
Civil Society Perspectives on Children’s Rights in the Occupied Palestinian Territories

This study analyses civil society organisations’ (cso s’) discourse on children’s rights in the Occupied Palestinian Territories (opt). This is a troubled context, for Israel – the ‘State Party’ to the United Nation’s Convention on the Rights of the Child (crc), disputes that its obligations extend to the opt. In consequence, there has been a dearth of…

Towards Justice: Law Enforcement and Reconciliation
Towards Justice: Law Enforcement and Reconciliation

Towards Justice: Law Enforcement & Reconciliation marks the culmination of over a year of research, drawing on the wisdom and experience of a multi-agency delegation of police officers, academics, non-governmental organisations, policymakers and practitioners who attended our two-day virtual conference in June 2021. This Cumberland Lodge Report explores the role of the police in investigating…

Journal Cover
Elite or grassroots? A feminist institutionalist examination of the role equalities organisations play in delivering representation and participation in a third sector–government partnership

This study examines institutional discourses about representation and participation in the Welsh third sector–government partnership. It applies a feminist institutionalist lens to understand how the representation of equalities third sector organisations is enabled and constrained. The theoretical foundation brings together diverging literatures on third sector–state relations, democracy theory and understandings of descriptive representation in the…