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Front cover Social Research Methodology
Pushing back the margins: power, identity and marginalia in survey research with young people

The study of marginalia has not been widely discussed in social sciences research and occupies a marginal space in terms of methodological legitimacy. We highlight the value of paying attention to the ways in which participants speak back to the researcher. This paper draws on marginalia found in surveys written or drawn by young people in classrooms…

Report cover
Forging an inclusive labour market – empowering workers and communities : an interim report on low pay and precarious work in Sheffield

The Sheffield Needs A Pay Rise (SNAP) is a campaign that has been initiated by Sheffield Trades Union Council (STUC). The impetus for the campaign was the earlier creation of the Britain Needs A Pay Rise organising theme by the national Trades Union Congress1 in the autumn of 2014. STUC has sought to develop this…

Journal Cover
The Provision of Careers Guidance in Welsh Schools

Background and Objectives Careers guidance for young people is regarded as important for supporting positive labour market outcomes. In particular, by helping young people to develop their career management competencies and their roles as learners and workers, careers guidance can help reduce the number of young people who fall outside of the education, training or employment system and from becoming ‘NEETS’….

Europe Asia Studies 70(4) cover
Civil Society, ‘Traditional Values’ and LGBT Resistance to Heteronormative Rights Hegemony: Analysis of the UN Universal Periodic Review in the Russian Federation

This study of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender rights in the Russian Federation uses frame analysis of civil society input into the UN Universal Periodic Review. It reveals a stark state–civil society ‘disconnect’ reflecting oppressive government practices, including Law No. 135-FZ on ‘non-traditional sexual relations’. This raises wider questions about the efficacy of the review…

Journal Cover
Book Review: Handbook of education in China

  Reviewed Work Handbook of Education in China, edited by W. John Morgan, Qing Gu and Fengliang Li, Cheltenham, UK, Edward Edgar, 2017, 558 pp., £85 (hardback), ISBN 978-1-78347-065-5 Introduction This edited volume is a highly comprehensive handbook that contains everything a beginning scholar in Chinese education might need to know. Over 23 chapters it…

Journal cover
An exploratory analysis of spatial variations in organ donation registration rates in Wales prior to the implementation of the Human Transplantation (Wales) Act 2013

Spatial variations in rates of registered organ donors have not been studied in the UK at detailed spatial scales despite some evidence of national and regional differences. By drawing on the findings from the existing literature, this study examines associations between small-area variations in rates of new registrants to the UK organ donor register (ODR)…

Front Page of Report
What are the Best Measures of Good Work? Three Principles for Measurement Selection

Job quality, or the promotion of good work, is a ‘hot topic’.  It has featured as a prominent element in three separate government reports published in the space of eight months.  This began with the publication of the Taylor Review of Modern Working Practices in July 2017.  One of its recommendations was that ‘more effort…

Book Cover
Research Methods in Employment Relations

Building on previous work that has examined the use of research methods in industrial relations/employment relations (IR/ER), particularly Whitfield and Strauss (2000), this chapter updates its empirical work and re-examines its key postulates. IR/ER research continues to show a wide range of research methods and approaches. It is highly empirical, with a large proportion of…