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Cover of Educação
Internationalization of Higher Education: some reflections on Russia and China

Given that there appears to be a dichotomy within the BRICS, we focus on Russia and China, discussing recent developments in their respective Higher Educational systems, and what these changes might mean in terms of internationalization. Moreover, given that the importance of Higher Education for a balanced development is something that is now widely recognised by International Organizations,…

front page of report
Delivering Transformation in Wales: Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act, 2014

The initial findings of a research project undertaken by WISERD, the Wales Co-operative Centre and the WCVA. The primary focus of the work is to develop sources of information and guidance to secure more meaningful engagement and involvement with social enterprise, co-operative, user-led and the third sector organisations in the implementation of Social Services and Wellbeing…

Chinese Students Overseas: Choice of destination

The chapter provides an extensive review of the literature on student choice of destination. This identifies push and pull factors influencing Chinese students’ decisions about the country of destination for overseas study. It shows also that in addition to push factors, largely concerned with general issues regarding the country of origin, and pull factors, concerned…

Handbook to the Politics of China cover
Education: from egalitarian ideology to public policy

The chapter focuses on the evolution of education as public policy in contemporary China, that is the period since Deng Xiaoping’s Opening-Up and Market Reform of the economy. This has seen extensive changes to the provision and content of China’s formal education system generally, and especially higher education; and in the relationship between education, the…

Journal cover
Mapping the interview transcript: identifying spatial policy areas from daily working practices

An interview transcript can be a rich source of geographical references whose potential are not always fully realised in their conventional analysis. Geo-referencing techniques can be used to assign a spatial footprint to place names, adding value to these data and allowing the geographic information within them to be exploited when coupled with GIS technology….

Journal of South Asian Development 16(3) cover
Limited Gains, Enduring Violations: Civil Society Perspectives on the Implementation of the United Nations’ Convention on the Rights of the Child in Bangladesh

Against the backdrop of continuing rights violations in Bangladesh, this article analyses issue-salience and framing in the policy discourse of civil society organizations (CSOs) and state elites on the implementation of the United Nation’s Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC). Data from the reports submitted to the second-cycle United Nations’ Universal Periodic Review…

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On academic capitalism

This forum contribution discusses the increasing trend toward academic capitalism and profit-oriented entrepreneurial practices in the fields of education and research. This occurs as universities, in different ways and subject to greater or lesser financial, administrative, and ideological pressures, act less like centers of disinterested education and research and more like economic enterprises that aim…

Cover of the International Journal of Human Rights
Civil Society, Human Rights and Religious Freedom in the People’s Republic of China: Analysis of CSOs’ Universal Periodic Review Discourse

This article examines religious freedom in the People’s Republic of China (PRC) using critical frame analysis of state and civil society organisations’ (CSOs) policy discourse associated with the United Nations (UN) Universal Periodic Review (UPR). The findings show how indigenous Chinese CSOs’ input to the UPR is limited. Their voice is muted, some merely mirror…

Book cover
Devolution, Recession and the Alleviation of Inequality in Wales

The National Assembly of Wales has powers in 20 devolved policy areas, including education, economic development, health, housing, social services and local government. Given the social democrat character of the first three elected assemblies in Wales, Wales would appear well placed to interrupt the reproduction of socio-economic disparities. However, Wales is a relatively poor part…