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Journal cover
The Impact of Domestic Mobility on Early Career Earnings: A quantile regression approach for UK graduates

This paper uses HESA data from the Destination of Leavers from Higher Education survey 2002/03 to examine whether more mobile students have an earnings advantage over those who are less mobile. We define mobility in terms of both choice of institution and location of employment. A clear finding that emerges is that mobility is associated…

Journal cover
Sleepless in school? The social dimensions of young people’s bedtime rest and routines

There are increasing concerns that social pressures, such as family changes and social media, are ‘invading’ the sanctuary of the bedroom with the result that students arrive at school tired and stressed. This paper seeks to examine whether these concerns are justified and contribute to the growing literature on the social dimensions of sleep through…

Journal Cover
The application of network-based GIS tools to investigate spatial variations in the provision of sporting facilities

Methods whereby access to facilities can be captured in order to support national policies geared towards promoting sports participation and help plan the provision of local facilities are urgently needed. Objective measures derived from the use of Geographical Information Systems can be used to gain an understanding of spatial variations in the location and quality…

Book cover
Nation, Class and Resentment: The Politics of National Identity in England, Scotland and Wales

This timely book provides an extensive account of national identities in three of the constituent nations of the United Kingdom: Wales, Scotland and England. In all three contexts, identity and nationalism have become questions of acute interest in both academic and political commentary. The authors take stock of a wealth of empirical material and explore…

Asian Studies Review journal cover
Comparative Analysis of Civil Society and State Discourse on Disabled People’s Rights and Welfare in South East Asia 2010-16

Over the next quarter century it is likely that Southeast Asian countries will experience high levels of growth in the number of disabled people. It is therefore significant that, over the past decade, the region’s governments have at last ratified the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). At this critical…

Journal cover
Finance-Dominated Accumulation and Enduring Austerity

This chapter applies cultural political economy to analyse crisis dynamics in selected economies in the North Atlantic region. It links this analysis to regulation- and state-theoretical arguments about kinds of austerity and their economic and political roots and repercussions. I distinguish austerity policies, the politics of austerity, and the austerity state. Each has its own…

Maoist ideology and education

The aspiration and efforts of Republican China to establish the country as an independent, prosperous and powerful national collapsed under the storm of colonial aggression from Japan. The aggressor was defeated, but the rule of Republican China ended, following a civil war, with the coming to power of the victorious Chinese Communist Party in 1949….

Global Social Policy Cover
Governance transitions’ and minority nationalist parties’ pressure for welfare state change: Evidence from Welsh and Scottish elections – And the UK’s ‘Brexit’ referendum

This study is concerned with welfare state development and the intersection between the twin global phenomena of sub-state nationalism and ‘governance transitions’. Specifically, how minority nationalist parties (MNPs) use discourse to exert pressure for welfare change. Accordingly, here, we explore their discourse in Scottish and Welsh elections, and the UK ‘Brexit’ referendum on European Union…

The Journal of North African Studies 22(1)
Comparative analysis of state and civil society discourse on the implementation of the United Nations’ convention on the rights of the child in North Africa

In the face of continuing children’s rights abuses across North Africa, the need for governments to engage non-state actors in human rights implementation is explicit in the United Nations’ convention on the rights of the child (UNCRC). Hitherto, this has largely escaped scholarly attention. It is a lacuna addressed in this paper, which presents a…