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Continuïteit in familiebanden

Title translates to “Continuity in Family Ties” Abstract In het licht van de participatiesamenleving streeft de overheid er naar de rol van mantelzorgers in de uitvoering van zorgtaken te vergroten. Er wordt hierbij vanuit gegaan dat familieleden relatief eenvoudig de intensiteit van hun band met een hulpbehoevend familielid kunnen aanpassen. Maar zijn familiebanden wel zo…

Review of African Political Economy 43(150)
Mind the gap? Civil society policy engagement and the pursuit of gender justice: critical discourse analysis of the implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action in Africa 2003-2015

This article presents critical discourse analysis of state and civil society organisations’ efforts to implement the gender mainstreaming goals set out in the United Nations’ Beijing Declaration. It is argued that the latter represents a generational opportunity to apply a Feminist Political Economic Framework to development in Africa. However, the research findings show how current…

publication front page
Civil Society and Gender Mainstreaming: Empirical Evidence and Theory-Building from Twelve Post-Conflict Countries 2005-15

Using critical discourse analysis, this twelve-country study addresses a key lacuna by examining civil society perspectives on the implementation of the Participative Democratic Model (PDM) of gender mainstreaming in post-conflict states. The findings reveal specific data, transitional justice, and governance challenges in war-affected states as policy actors press for heightened attention to issues such as…

journal cover
Poor places, powerful people? Co-producing cultural counter-representations of place

This paper considers the ethical aspects of co-producing visual representations of communities experiencing economic deprivation. It focuses on one of five case studies that are part of a UK-wide research project that is funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council. The research broadly aims to explore how arts-based approaches can enable communities to express…

Report cover
Evaluation of the Pupil Deprivation Grant: 2nd Interim Report

This report is based on the second year of evaluation activity, and focuses on reporting on in-depth case studies with 22 schools conducted in 2013/14 and 2014/15. The report focuses in particular on 10 case studies completed in spring and summer 2015. The report also contains findings from an initial analysis of data from the…

Publication front page
The Role of Higher and Further Education – The Integration of Migrants in Europe

Migration is a key feature of population change in Europe, shaping the continent’s economy, labour markets and demography. In 2013 there were 20 million non-EU nationals living in the European Union, representing around 4% of the total population, up from 3.4% in 2005 (OECD /EU 2015, p. 300). The EU’s core principle of free movement,…

Report cover
The Dynamic Effect of Disability on Work and Subjective Wellbeing in Australia

Using longitudinal data from the Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) Survey (2001-2013) we examine the relationship between the dynamics of worklimiting disability and employment, hours of work, earnings and life satisfaction. We employ two alternative classifications of the dynamic trajectories of disability and, in doing so, are able to explicitly consider the…

Applied Spacial Analysis and Policy cover
Book Review: Quantitative Methods and Socio-Economic Applications in GIS

Introduction Having reviewed the first edition of this book for another journal (Higgs 2008), I was particularly interested in how some of the original materials had been updated in this edition to reflect new approaches and developments in GIS that have come to the fore in the interim period. The addition of the term “Socio-economic”…

Journal cover
The ‘Complementarity Conjecture’ – Does Civil Society Engagement Strengthen Input Legitimacy and Shape Policy Delivery? The Case of Gender Mainstreaming in India and Nepal 2005-15

This study presents critical discourse analysis of gender mainstreaming in India and Nepal. Mainstreaming is a United Nations policy objective subscribed to by 180+ states. It aims to embed gender equality concerns in every stage of the policy process. Complementarity theory emphasizes how politicians attempt to cope with complexity by engaging civil society in policy…

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WISERD Data Portal Webinar

As part of the ESRC Festival of Social Sciences 2015 we demonstrated the new version of the WISERD Data Portal (WDP) with the participation of an exemplar Civil Society organisation, focussing on how the Portal could be used by third sector organisations for Civil Society research. The WDP is an online data search, discovery and…