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Evidence to the Review of Higher Education Funding and Student Finance Arrangements in Wales

What follows is based upon analysis carried out by researchers at the Wales Institute of Social and Economic Research, Data and Methods (WISERD) over the past few years. This work is continuing and, accordingly, the results reported here should be seen as ‘interim’. However, further results can be made available to the Review; and we…

Front page of report
Gender and Disability Disadvantage in the Public Sector, 1998-2012

There is a widespread perception that public sector offers an employment advantage for groups disadvantaged generally in the labour market. For example women are more than twice as likely to work in the public sector as men. The relative concentration of these protected groups within the public sector has increased over the past decade of…

Journal cover
Popularism and Punishment or Rights and Rehabilitation? Electoral Discourse and Structural Policy Narratives on Youth Justice: Westminster Elections, 1964-2010

This study explores the formative origins of youth justice policy and the discursive process of mandate-seeking in party manifestos in Westminster elections. Analysis of issue salience and policy framing reveals: party politicization, a significant increase in issue salience from the 1990s onwards, and a shifting structural policy narrative with inherent contestation and contradictions. The past…

Journal cover
Party Politicisation and the Formative Phase of Environmental Policy-Making in Multi-level Systems: Electoral Discourse in UK Meso-elections 1998-2011

Despite sustained public demand for parties to act, the environment has been subject to limited issue salience in UK state-wide elections. This article uses qualitative and quantitative methods to explore party politicisation of the environment in regional elections 1998–2011. Contrary to earlier suggestions, the present findings indicate that multi-level systems may facilitate increasing environmental issue…

Journal cover
Multi-level systems and the electoral politics of welfare pluralism: Exploring third-sector policy in UK Westminster and regional elections 1945-2011

Electoral politics is a decisive formative and programmatic phase in the development of mixed economy approaches to social protection. This study examines the main issues and policy formulation concerning the role of the third sector in social protection in the manifestos of British political parties in the context of the Westminster elections and at regional…

Report Cover
Social Co-operatives: A Democratic Co-production Agenda for Care Services in the UK

Hardly a month goes by without another horror story in the press and media about a disturbing state of affairs in our health and care services. The prosecutions at Winterbourne View, the massive collapse and public sector rescue of Southern Cross are symptomatic of a national care service system in crisis. Is there a democratically…

Journal cover
Governing beyond the metropolis: Placing the rural in city-region development

Despite a select group of urban centres generating a disproportionate amount of global economic output, significant attention is being devoted to the impact of urban-economic processes on interstitial spaces lying between metropolitan areas. Nevertheless, there remains a noticeable silence in city-region debate concerning how rural spaces are conceptualised, governed and represented. In this paper we…