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Temporary Migration, Integration and the role of Policies (TEMPO): Dataset of recent Polish migrants in England and Wales

This dataset has been produced as part of the project co-ordinated by the Centre for Economic Policy Research on “Temporary Migration, Integration and the role of Policies” (TEMPO), which has been funded by the NORFACE Research Programme “Migration in Europe – Social, Economic, Cultural and Policy Dynamics”. See the project page for more details.

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Higher Education Reform in China: Beyond the Expansion

This book provides a critical examination the challenges to the development and sustainability of higher education in China: Can its universities move from quantity to quality? How will so many graduates find jobs in line with their expectations? Can Britain and other western countries continue to benefit from China’s education boom? What are the prospects…

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Private Higher Education in China: Problems and Possibilities

Introduction The Chinese higher education system has been undergoing a rapid and farreaching transition (Min, 2005) with the changes driven particularly by accelerating globalization (UNESCO, 2003). One of the most fundamental changes is that private higher education, which began from zero, has very quickly assumed an increasingly important role in the expansion of higher education….

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Disability and Perceptions of Work and Management

Matched employee–employer data from the 2004 Workplace Employment Relations Survey are used to examine differences in work-related perceptions between disabled and non-disabled employees. Even after accounting for differences in personal, job and workplace characteristics, disabled employees are found to hold more negative views on the treatment of workers by managers and, consistent with this, they…

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The Role of Networks and Connections in Educational Elites? Labour Market Entrance

Despite extensive research on the role of ‘personal’ capital on labour market transitions, little is known about how those with elite credentials use networks and connection to improve their labour market chances. This becomes especially relevant within debates on the meritocratic nature of the post-industrial labour market. This article investigates how networks and connections aid…

Lasting Benefits: The Long-term Legacy of the Assisted Places Scheme for Assisted Place Holders

The Assisted Places Scheme was introduced in 1980 by the Conservative Government to provide a’ladder of opportunity’ for academically able students from poor homes. Over the next 17 years,more than 75,000 pupils received means-tested assistance from public funds to attend the mostselective and prestigious private schools in England and Wales. The Scheme proved highlycontroversial and…

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Buber and Education: Dialogue as conflict resolution

After Buber’s death the appreciation of his considerable legacy to the various disciplines in which he had worked became rather muted, but was never completely forgotten. There is now a renewed and growing interest in Buber’s thought, especially in his philosophy of education. This book brings together aspects of Buber’s philosophy and educational practice, and…