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Report Cover
Military Recruitment, Work & Culture in the South Wales Valleys: A Local Geography of Contemporary British Militarism

This article explores how social and cultural life in the south Wales valleys, an area of economic deprivation within Britain, has been shaped by the British military and militarism, in ways that are both specific to the area and shared with other regions throughout the country. In particular, it argues that the convergence of several…

Journal Cover
Rural development, globalization and European regional policy: Perspectives from the DERREG project

Globalization has a pervasive influence over regional development in rural Europe, presenting both opportunities and challenges. This paper draws on research conducted in the DERREG project to examine how globalization impacts on rural regions, and importantly, how rural regions across Europe are proactively engaging with globalization processes and their impacts, exploiting new opportunities and responding…

Cover of "Gender and Education"
Valleys’ girls: re-theorising bodies and agency in a semi-rural post-industrial locale

This paper draws on materialist feminist theories to rethink relationships between girls’ bodies and agency. New feminist onto-epistemologies redefine agency as ‘becomings’ that dynamically emerge through assemblages comprising moving bodies, material, mechanical, organic, virtual, affective and less-than-conscious elements. Vignettes from a multi-modal, ethnographic study conducted over three years are used to demonstrate how place influenced…

Journal Cover
‘Why must I wait?’ Performing legitimacy in a hospital emergency department

This article examines the processes of negotiation that occur between patients and medical staff over accessing emergency medical resources. The field extracts are drawn from an ethnographic study of a UK emergency department (ED) in a large, inner city teaching hospital. The article focuses on the triage system for patient prioritisation as the first point…

Report Cover
The 2012 ESF Leavers Survey

The aim of the 2012 ESF Leavers Survey is to assist in assessing the effectiveness of labour market interventions delivered under ESF. Telephone interviews were conducted with over 4,000 people who had left an ESF project delivered under Priorities 2 and 3 of the Convergence Programme and Priorities 1 and 2 of the Competitiveness Programme…

Review of International Economics 21(4)
Democracy and Economic Growth in an Interdependent World

We model dynamic interdependence in cross-country economic growth processes by allowing it to vary according to democratic distance among economies. Stochastic distributional dynamics and temporal effects of democracy on economic growth are studied, and spatial variation in economic growth is explored. Among important results, democratic poverty trap is found to exist indicating the possibility of…

Report front page
Evidence Symposium: Health Inequalities in Wales

There is wide variation in health outcomes even between countries at similar levels of economic development. Murray and Frenk wrote an evidence briefing on this topic for the World Health Organization in 2000 (1,2). That briefing discussed the several frameworks that existed then for measurement of health system performance and proposed a number of improvements…