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Dychwelodd eich chwiliad 1155 canlyniad
Y dilyniant rhwng y rhywiau a’r bwlch cyflog i athrawon yng Nghymru

Archwiliodd y Cipolwg Data hwn wahaniaethau rhwng staff addysgu benywaidd a gwrywaidd ar wahanol gyfnodau gyrfa gan ddefnyddio Cyfrifiad Blynyddol Gweithlu’r Ysgol (SWAC). Canfu’r dadansoddiad fod athrawon benywaidd yn ennill mwy nag athrawon gwrywaidd ar lefel athrawon ar lawr dosbarth. Fodd bynnag, gwrthdrôdd y duedd hon i athrawon mewn uwch arweinyddiaeth, lle’r oedd athrawon gwrywaidd…

Cover of The Oxford Handbook of Expertise and Democratic Politics
The Third Wave and populism: Scientific expertise as a check and balance

This chapter draws on the Third Wave of Science Studies to argue that science is needed to resist the rise of populism in modern democracies. Wave Three of science studies focuses on expertise and values to characterize science as “craftwork with integrity” and justify science’s centrality in modern societies. This contrasts with Wave One, which…

Front cover Social Research Methodology
Participation or direction? Dilemmas in utilising participatory methods

This paper will explore the dichotomy of direction and stimulus through a reflection on arts-based methods used in a research study into post-industrial communities in South Wales and consider whether in participatory processes, a catalyst for artistic creativity could become construed as researcher-led control over the activities. Through an examination of the methods and outcomes…

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It is time to rethink what citizen science really is

Citizen science is a popular method of gathering data for natural and social scientists, with the number of projects and publications produced growing year by year. A typical citizen science project uses volunteers to gather data that would otherwise be unaffordable or inaccessible. But, based on the evidence we gathered during our study of a…