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Job Mismatches and Labour Market Outcomes: Panel Evidence on University Graduates

The interpretation of graduate mismatch manifested either as over‐education or as over‐skilling remains problematical. This article analyses the relationship of educational and skills mismatch with pay, job satisfaction and job mobility using unique data from the Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) survey. Over‐education and over‐skilling are found to be distinct phenomena and…

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The Changing Shape of the UK Jobs Market and the Implications for the Bottom Half of Earners

This paper reports on two research projects, one of them completed some time ago, theother ongoing. The first project was funded by the New York based Russell SageFoundation and involved a comparative study of low pay in the five European countries – theUK, France, Germany, the Netherlands and Denmark. This was subsequently extended in acomparative…

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Urban Rhythms: Mobilities, Space and Interaction in the Contemporary City

The post-industrial city of the global urban era is seen to be defined by increasingly complex social, spatial and temporal relations, characterized by conditions of change and uncertainty, exception and opportunity. This book seeks to explore and critique such conditions, both as the current state of the urban and with regards to claims of current…

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No Time Out: Mobility, Rhythmicity and Urban Patrol in the Twenty-Four Hour City

This paper is about the twenty-four hour city and analyses this phenomenon with the assistance of a case study dispersed across (temporally and spatially) twenty-four hours spent moving in, around and with the city centre of Cardiff, UK. Reporting from a continuous twenty-four hour period of fieldwork the paper describes the round-the-clock work of a…