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Your search returned 1159 results
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Electoral Competition, Issue Salience and Public Policy for Older People: the Case of the Westminster and Regional UK Elections 1945-2011

Ageing societies and cohort-based differential turnout present challenges and opportunities in political parties’ pursuit of electoral support. This article explores their response with reference to the issue salience of public policy for older people in the manifestos for Westminster and regional elections in the UK, 1945–2011. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of party programmes reveals: (1)…

Dialogues in Human Geography 2(1)
Space and Spatiality in Theory

This article is an edited transcript of a panel discussion on Space and Spatiality in Theory which was held at the Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Washington, DC, April 2010. In the article, the panel map out some of the challenges for thinking, writing and performing spaces in the 21st century, reflecting…

Journal Cover
Stop and go: a field study of pedestrian practice, immobility and urban outreach work

Drawing on fieldwork observation of a team of street-level welfare bureaucrats, this article presents a pedestrian case-study of routine footwork and slow progress in the making and maintaining of contact between outreach workers and the urban homeless. This material is used to highlight two aspects of modern-day mobilities that are perhaps under-examined and certainly worthy…

Report Cover
Reflections on the craft(ing) of qualitative research

It has become somewhat of a truism that qualitative research, and particularly fieldwork, cannot be taught but is best learnt in practice, out there, in the field. This can likely be traced to the early days of the Chicago School where students were sent out to study a tract of the census, or neighbourhood, at…

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Firm performance in Wales – An analysis of productivity using company accounts

Output and productivity growth are indicators of standards of living and prosperity. From the perspective of a devolved region, a better understanding of the determinants of productivity will lead to more informed policy formation. This paper takes a look at Wales and its recent performance using the FAME company accounts data. We model performance at…

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Local music practices and the cultural economy: three spaces of research

Over the past decade there have been a number of calls from across the social sciences to engage music as both the object of study and a tool for research (cf. Revill, 2000; Connell and Gibson, 2003; Wood et al., 2007). These calls come at time when major shifts in technology and cultural economic policy…

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Reading the researcher’s body

This paper draws from a qualitative PhD study in Central Scotland to focus on research participants’ interpretations of my (the researcher’s) body. The research investigated the embodied experiences of health among girls aged 10-14 (P6-S4)1, through discursive spaces of schoolbased physical activity. In three Scottish secondary schools, participant observation and semi-structured interviews were conducted with…

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Beyond tagging, poking and throwing sheep: Using Facebook in social research

Much excitement, public and scholastic, surrounds the ascent of Facebook, a social-networking website attracting over 500 million users since its inception in 2004. Facebook has been increasingly integrated into the public sphere, proliferating media activities, communication practices, and social experiences. It has become a glowing reference to the mounting centrality of internet technologies in our…

Report Cover
Transcription as a ‘research moment’

Transcription of interview material can be a daunting task for the qualitative researcher, not only in terms of the extensive time requirement, but also due to concerns around producing transcripts that ‘accurately’ reflect interviews. This reflection paper addresses some of the tensions I experienced as a geography student encountering transcription for the first time. It…

Regional Science: Policy and Practice 4(2)
Partnership working in Regions: reflections on local government collaboration in Wales

Set against the established political mantra of partnership working, this paper considers the conceptual framings of the local authority partnership agenda in academic debates and concurrent empirical research. We compare and contrast the changing formal territorial remits of political intervention with the spatial constructs understood and employed by those stakeholders responsible for delivering childrens services….