Launch of WISERD Education

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Vice Chancellor presenting at WISERD Education launch event.WISERD has secured a £1M investment into the development of education research in Wales with the establishment of WISERD EDUCATION. This Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW) funded project has the potential to change the landscape of education research in Wales and will put Wales at the forefront of research capacity building developments in the UK and beyond.

WISERD EDUCATION was formally launched on 31st October 2012 at 5pm in the Main Building Council Chamber, Cardiff University. Speakers included Cardiff University Vice Chancellor and Chair of the St David’s Day Group, Professor Colin Riordan; Chief Executive of the Higher Education Funding Council Wales (HEFCW), Dr David Blaney; and Director of WISERD Education, Professor Sally Power.

For further information on WISERD Education, please click here.

Attendees at WISERD Education launch event.
