
Welsh Foundation Phase research receives local coverage

Minister for Education & Skills comments on Evaluating the Foundation Phase first reports for Welsh Government, and receives significant coverage across the Welsh press. BBC – Wales Online – South Wales Argus- Nursery World –

‘Revealed: The radical education overhaul which will dramatically change the way our children are taught’ – Wales Online

Wales Online Coverage of the Research conducted by WISERD that formed a key element of the Welsh Government commissioned “Successful Futures” report, written by Professor Graham Donaldson, which proposes a radical overhaul of the national curriculum in Wales. The coverage can be accessed below.

‘Radical national curriculum overhaul proposed in Wales’ – BBC News

BBC Coverage of the Research conducted by WISERD that formed a key element of the Welsh Government commissioned “Successful Futures” report, written by Professor Graham Donaldson, which proposes a radical overhaul of the national curriculum in Wales. The full coverage can be read by following the link below.