
Why ‘toxic masculinity’ isn’t a useful term for understanding all of the ways to be a man

Masculinity is complex, diverse and can be expressed in multiple ways. yanik88/Shutterstock Richard Gater, Cardiff University There seem to be as many interpretations of what “toxic masculinity” means as there are uses of the term. Some believe it’s a way to criticise what they see as specific negative behaviour and attitudes often associated with men….

Agweddau pobl ifanc tuag at y Gymraeg

Yr iaith Gymraeg a hunaniaeth Mae Astudiaeth Aml-garfan WISERD 2022 o blant ysgolion uwchradd ledled Cymru yn rhoi cipolwg gwerthfawr ar agweddau disgyblion tuag at y Gymraeg. Fel y disgwylid, mae’r canlyniadau yn amrywio yn ôl cyfrwng yr ysgol wrth i’r disgyblion ystyried os yw’r Gymraeg yn rhan o’u hunaniaeth Gymreig. Mae disgyblion mewn ysgolion…

Anabledd ac aelodaeth o undebau llafur yn y DU

Mae anabledd yn gysylltiedig ag anfantais sylweddol yn y farchnad lafur yn rhyngwladol, ond er gwaethaf y ddadl bod undebau llafur yn gweithio fel ‘cleddyf cyfiawnder’ ac yn amddiffyn y gweithwyr sydd dan anfantais fwyaf, ychydig iawn o ymchwil sydd wedi’i gwneud i’r berthynas rhwng undebau llafur ac anghydraddoldeb sy’n gysylltiedig ag anabledd yn y…

Deall bylchau cyflog ethnigrwydd yn sector cyhoeddus y DU

Mewn prosiect ymchwil diweddar ar ran Swyddfa Economeg y Gweithlu gofynnwyd i ni ddarparu trosolwg a dealltwriaeth o natur yr amrywiadau yn nhâl gweithwyr yn y sector cyhoeddus, a sut roedd hyn yn amrywio yn ôl ethnigrwydd. Wrth i’n prosiect ddod i ben, rydyn ni’n manteisio ar y cyfle hwn i fyfyrio – beth rydyn…

Civil society, animal welfare and Brexit

As part of a series of blog posts on WISERD’s civil society and animal welfare research, here we look at the views of campaigners with civil society organisations (CSOs) about the impact of Brexit on animal welfare. This matters, for it aligns with a key focus in the academic literature, namely, how shifting patterns and…

Civil society and animal welfare lobbying at Westminster

As part of a series of blog posts on WISERD’s civil society and animal welfare research, here we look at the views and experiences of civil society organisations (CSOs) lobbying Westminster for better animal welfare. These are emerging findings taken from a series of in-depth interviews with campaigners. This is worth studying because over recent…

Civil society activism and animal welfare policy divergence

As part of a series of blog posts on WISERD’s civil society and animal welfare research, here we look at the “territorialisation” of animal welfare rights and how this is being driven by civil society activism. In other words, civil society organisations (CSOs) successfully lobbying for distinctive laws and policies that convey contrasting protections in…