
Reflections on my internship and the importance of accessible research

In October 2023, I started an internship with Victim Support. Part of my role was to conduct a literature review in preparation for the production of an accessible report exploring the experiences of victims of hate crime through recent, pre-existing academic research in the field. The main focus of the internship was to make academic…

GE2024: Do party manifestos reflect ‘supermajority’ civil society demand for better animal protection?

WISERD Co-Director, Paul Chaney, has co-authored a new report in a project led by Dr Steven McCulloch (University of Winchester). The report entitled “Political Animals: The Democratic and Electoral Case for Strong Animal Welfare Policies in UK General Elections”[i] was commissioned as part of a campaign by 23 leading animal welfare NGOs. To locate this…

GE2024: Why party manifestos need to address civil society demands on animal welfare

WISERD Co-Director, Paul Chaney, has co-authored a new report in a project led by Dr Steven McCulloch (University of Winchester). The report entitled “Political Animals: The Democratic and Electoral Case for Strong Animal Welfare Policies in UK General Elections”[i] was commissioned as part of a campaign by 23 leading animal welfare NGOs. To locate this…

Safbwyntiau cymdeithas sifil ar AI yn yr UE

Yn rhan o’r astudiaeth WISERD ‘Meysydd ehangu dinesig newydd: pobl, anifeiliaid a Deallusrwydd Artiffisial (AI)’, fe gyflwynon ni ymchwil newydd mewn digwyddiad WHEB ym Mrwsel y mis diwethaf. Mae’r ymchwil yn nodi barn a phryderon sefydliadau cymdeithas ddinesig (CSOau) am Ddeallusrwydd Artiffisial (AI) yn yr UE. Mae’r Comisiwn Ewropeaidd yn deddfu er mwyn cydlynu’r fframwaith…

”Nonsens ar stilts”? 75 mlynedd ers cyhoeddi’r Datganiad Cyffredinol o Hawliau Dynol

Yn Anarchical Fallacies (1796), dywedodd yr athronydd iwtilitaraidd Seisnig Jeremy Bentham fod y cysyniad o hawliau naturiol yn nonsens ac mai ‘nonsens ar stilts’ oedd hawlio hawliau nad ydynt wedi’u rhagnodi yng nghyfreithiau’r wladwriaeth. Dadleuodd fod drysu dymuno bod gennym hawl gyda bodolaeth yr hawl ei hun yn gamsyniad llwyr. Ar ben hynny, rhoddir yr…

Civil society and animal welfare lobbying in India

In October, as part of WISERD’s civil society and animal welfare research, a workshop was held in New Delhi. Academics present included co-investigators Professors Paul Chaney and Sarbeswar Sahoo, along with Research Associates Dr Pooja Sharma and Dr Debashree Saikia (pictured). Our work involves comparative analysis of developments in Wales, Scotland, England and India. We…

Why ‘toxic masculinity’ isn’t a useful term for understanding all of the ways to be a man

Masculinity is complex, diverse and can be expressed in multiple ways. yanik88/Shutterstock Richard Gater, Cardiff University There seem to be as many interpretations of what “toxic masculinity” means as there are uses of the term. Some believe it’s a way to criticise what they see as specific negative behaviour and attitudes often associated with men….

Agweddau pobl ifanc tuag at y Gymraeg

Yr iaith Gymraeg a hunaniaeth Mae Astudiaeth Aml-garfan WISERD 2022 o blant ysgolion uwchradd ledled Cymru yn rhoi cipolwg gwerthfawr ar agweddau disgyblion tuag at y Gymraeg. Fel y disgwylid, mae’r canlyniadau yn amrywio yn ôl cyfrwng yr ysgol wrth i’r disgyblion ystyried os yw’r Gymraeg yn rhan o’u hunaniaeth Gymreig. Mae disgyblion mewn ysgolion…