
WISERD Wales & Recession Seminar Series

WISERD launched a seminar series aiming to examine the impact of the recession on social and economic life in Wales; and to take stock of the policy responses in Wales in the context of a Westminster government committed to austerity measures. 2008 marked the beginning of the deepest and longest recession of modern times.  While…

WISERD Podcast: Labour Market Implications of Changes in the Public Sector

The fifth podcast of the WISERD Research Podcast Series is now online:  Professor David Blackaby discusses his findings on regional variations in public-private sector wage differences. Labour Market Implications of Changes in the Public Sector: Inequality and Work Quality: This eighteen-month study examines aspects of work within the public sector compared to the private sector.  It is…

Hopes and Dreams

Welsh pupils should leave school as young adults prepared for living and working in Wales, or in other parts of the world. The WISERD Education project has given us the opportunity to ask pupils about their hopes and expectations for their futures, including, but not limited to, careers. These questions were varied and focussed on…

New Website for WISERDEducation

WISERDEducation has launched a new website. WISERDEducation is a three year £1 million project examining 1,200 pupils aged 5-17 years in 24 schools across Wales, and the new website has been designed to best reflect the aims and objectives of this invaluable research. WISERDEducation is designed to strengthen educational research in Wales.  Funded by the Higher…

Conference Call For Papers – Deadline Extended

The call for papers submission deadline has been extended to Friday 7 February 2014. The WISERD 2014 Conference will be held on 3-4 July 2014 in Aberystwyth University. We are delighted to be able to confirm that Professor Bob Jessop and Professor Karel Williams have agreed to deliver keynote addresses. The 2014 conference is the fifth annual WISERD conference, and…