Mae'r cynnwys hwn ar gael yn Saesneg yn unig.
Please find available presentations from the Wales Housing Research Conference 2016 below:
Reasonable Steps: experiences of homelessness services under the Housing (Wales) Act 2014
– Ms Jennie Bibbings and Mr Alex Osmond, Shelter Cymru
Developing a viable housing model for those entitled only to access the shared accommodation rate?
– Dr. Anna Clarke, Cambridge University
Reshaping Housing Policy in Wales: a subnational response in the age of austerity
– Dr. Andrew Connell, Dr. Emily St Denny and Professor Steve Martin, Public Policy Institute for Wales
Social housing regulation in Wales and England: diverging or converging?
– Mr. Steffan Evans, Cardiff University
Assessing Gypsy and Traveller Needs: Policy and Methodological Issues
– Mr Nigel Moore, Opinion Research Services
– Ms Joanna L Wolton, Swansea University
Housing Policy in a Devolved Scotland: Constrained Autonomy or Opportunity?
– Professor Kenneth Gibb, University of Glasgow
– Mr Ceri Breeze, Welsh Government
The Private Housing (Tenancies) (Scotland) Act 2016: Implications for Private Renters
– Dr. Jennifer Hoolachan, Cardiff University
– Dr. Craig Gurney and Dr. Bob Smith, Cardiff University
– Mrs Lucie Griffiths, Welsh Government