Prosiectau Ymchwil

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Dychwelodd eich chwiliad 3 canlyniad
Parhad dysgu yng Nghymru: Dadansoddiad ‘byw’ o ddysgu ar-lein

Crynodeb Mae Cymru yn unigryw oherwydd bod ganddi blatfform digidol cenedlaethol ar gyfer addysgu a dysgu ar-lein – Hwb ( Mae hyn yn golygu bod bron pob plentyn mewn ysgolion a gynhelir yng Nghymru yn mewngofnodi ac yn defnyddio Hwb i gael mynediad at ddeunyddiau dysgu a ddarperir iddynt gan ysgolion ac athrawon. Bydd y…

WISERD Lab Data Addsyg

The WISERD Education Data Lab uses adminstrative data and advanced statistical methods to quantify trends in educational outcomes across Wales.   Projects: Participation in and Progression Through Education in Wales A Geospatial Analysis of the Factors Shaping Educational Outcomes in Wales Does timing matter? Exploring the timing and impact of receiving Additional Learning Needs support…

The involvement of grandparents in the early years: a geographical comparison

Overview This project utilised two key large-scale secondary data sets in order to undertake detailed analysis of what impact grandparents can have on their grandchildren’s cognitive, social and emotional development. Through this analysis the project attempted to explore the complex relationships between social mobility, spatial mobility and intergenerational transmission. This study primarily used two existing large-scale…