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Rural Youth Out-Migration and Population change in Wales cover
Rural Youth Out-Migration and Population Change in Wales

Forecasts suggest that Europe is about to enter a period of significant depopulation, with Eurostat projecting that the total population of the European Union will decrease by 6% by 2100. For Wales, the models are both more sanguine and more variable, with population growth slowing or plateauing from the mid2020s. Population growth in Wales is…

Book cover
Migration, Community and Identity: Countercultural Lifestyle Migration to Rural Wales, 1965-1980

Migration, Community and Identity analyses experiences of migration to rural Wales from 1965 to 1980. It focuses on people who were part of the era’s counterculture, looking for an escape from mainstream society. Using original interviews, the book shows why people moved and how the move shaped their lives and identities. Drawing together geographical and historical…

The Geographical Journal Cover
Rural recovery or rural spatial justice? Responding to multiple crises for the British countryside

This commentary proposes the adoption of a spatial justice approach to under-standing the multiple crises facing rural Britain and developing policy responses. It introduces spatial justice as a concept rooted in urban studies but recently ex-tended by an emerging literature on rural spatial justice, and outlines a multidi-mensional framework in which spatial justice may be…

Regional and Federal Studies Cover
Explaining the salience of secessionist partyconstitutional demands for independence

Demands for independence have increased across Europe in the last decade,but there are limits to our understanding of what makes secessionist partiesmore ambiguous or assertive on independence. This article’s originalcontribution to the literature on regionalist parties in Western Europe is inaddressing gaps in understanding of secessionist party strategy.Consequently, its original theoretical contribution is to enrich…

Designing a New Civic Economy? On the Emergence and Contradictions of Participatory Experimental Urbanism

Can we remake local economies from scratch – not through political struggle but by design – to solve wicked problems and transform urban governance? Such questions are raised by an emergent trend within urban experimentation that emphasises participation and commoning in designing peer-to-peer provisioning systems through a platform logic. This article deconstructs the discourses animating…

Front page of publication with image of woman working at home office
Newyddion WISERD: Argraffiad 20

Croeso gan Gyfarwyddwr WISERD Yn y rhifyn hwn o Newyddion WISERD ceir amrywiaeth o newyddion o bob rhan o sefydliadau partner WISERD a rhai o’r ychwanegiadau diweddaraf i flog WISERD; rwy’n gobeithio bod y rhifyn yn dangos ein cyfraniad parhaus i ymchwil ym maes y gwyddorau cymdeithasol a’r ffyrdd yr ydym yn dylanwadu ar bolisïau…

Smart Rural Communities: Action Research in Colombia and Mozambique
Smart Rural Communities: Action Research in Colombia and Mozambique

This article contributes to the ongoing discussion on rural development programs aligning with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the Global South. The research question examines how the Smart Rural Communities (SRC) framework can support the SDGs as an international cooperation model. The article presents findings from fieldwork action research including a critical analysis of…

Journal Cover
Amalgamated Masculinities: The Masculine Identity of Contemporary Marginalised Working-Class Young Men

Recent, UK-based studies have focused on the construction of working-class masculine identity and documented changes and softer displays among young men. This article contributes to this literature and is based on ethnographic research conducted in Wales, UK, and a sample consisting of the most marginalised working-class young men often associated with protest masculinity, homophobia and…

Case studies on transport policy
Quantifying disparities in access to recreational opportunities by alternative modes of transport

The paper draws upon open-source technologies to present methods of incorporating multiple travel modes into GIS analyses of cumulative opportunity and proximity-based metrics of accessibility. Two case studies are undertaken. The first uses isochrone analysis to evaluate national access to sport facilities expected to appeal to a broad range of ages and abilities. Predictably, urban…