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Journal cover
Out-of-school Learning: Variations in Provision and Participation in Secondary Schools

There is overwhelming evidence of the benefits of out‐of‐school learning. It is likely to be particularly important for disadvantaged students who have fewer material and cultural resources in the home to supplement their classroom work. However, despite the research evidence and political moves to promote out‐of‐school learning, it would appear that the provision of such…

Journal Cover
GIScience, Environmental Justice, & Estimating Populations at Risk: The Case of Landfills in Wales

There has been a notable increase in the use of geographic information systems (GIS) in studies of environmental (in)justice in the last two decades. Whilst the potential of such techniques is increasingly being recognised, there remain some key research challenges facing researchers interested in wider notions of environmental justice (EJ). One avenue of research concerns…

Journal Cover
Deal-making in Whitehall: Competing and complementary motives behind the Review of Sub-national Economic Development and Regeneration

Purpose The aim of this paper is to explore Whitehall motivations underpinning the Sub‐national Review of Economic Development and Regeneration. Design/methodology/approach The paper is based on interviews conducted with senior Whitehall officials involved in regional working. Findings The Sub‐national Review seeks to streamline regional structures and provide regions with enhanced autonomy. However, findings indicate that there are distinct…

Journal cover
Steps and Stages: Rethinking Transitions in Youth and Place

This article is concerned with the interplay of young people’s biographies and transforming landscapes in south-east Wales. In particular the article focuses on a South Wales Valleys town, Ebbw Vale, to explore how changes to a place can be understood in relation to, and alongside youth transitions. The article reports on the ways in which…

Journal Cover
Carers with Chronic Conditions: Changes Over Time in their Physical Health

Objectives: To explore the experiences of individuals with chronic conditions who are also caring for another person, usually a family member. Method: A postal questionnaire was distributed to carers across Wales on three occasions approximately 18 months apart. It included the SF-12v2 together with fixed-choice and open-ended questions relating to carer demographics, carer assessment, support…

Book Cover
Rural Citizenship and Governmentality

Citizenship is often understood in straightforward legal terms, but it also represents a set of practices that constitute a change in the relationship between citizens and the nation state, and the way society is governed. While citizenship was historically associated with urban societies, the promotion of national forms of citizenship from the late eighteenth century…

Front page of publication
Rural Geography

Rural geography may be simply defined as the study of people, places, and landscapes in rural areas, and of the social and economic processes that shape these geographies. However, as the definition of ‘rural’ has become increasingly difficult and contested, the boundaries of ‘rural geography’ have been tested. Rural geography today is hence a diverse…

Book Cover
Rural Protest

Rural protests are an increasingly commonplace feature of contemporary politics in both the Global North and the Global South. In the Global North, rural protests are associated with the weakening of established modes of rural representation and conflicts over the meaning, regulation, and development of rural life and rural spaces. Local protests have addressed a…