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Your search returned 22 results
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Finance-Dominated Accumulation and Enduring Austerity

This chapter applies cultural political economy to analyse crisis dynamics in selected economies in the North Atlantic region. It links this analysis to regulation- and state-theoretical arguments about kinds of austerity and their economic and political roots and repercussions. I distinguish austerity policies, the politics of austerity, and the austerity state. Each has its own…

The Organic Crisis of the British State: Putting Brexit in its Place

The Brexit vote was a singular event that is one symptom of a continuing organic crisis of the British state and society and a stimulus for further struggles over the future of the United Kingdom and its place in Europe and the wider world. This crisis previously enabled the rise of Thatcherism as a neoliberal and neoconservative project (with New Labour…

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The Symptomatology of Crises: Some Critical Realist Reflections

This chapter interrogates the ontologically stratified nature of crises from a general critical realist perspective. The distinction between money as money and money as capital is one of Marx’s critical contributions to the critique of political economy and the analysis of crises. In particular critical realism distinguishes real mechanisms, actual events and processes, and empirical…

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The heartlands of neoliberalism and the rise of the austerity state

This chapter explores the genealogy and development of neoliberalism in its heartlands. What happens here is closely entangled with events, processes and forces elsewhere in the world market, the world of states and global society. It first considers the meaning of heartlands and note some paradoxes in its use in geopolitics, geoeconomics and critical studies…

Critical Policy Studies
What is critical?

This article describes the meta-theoretical and theoretical foundations of one approach to critique that moves through up to eight analytically distinct steps. This critique begins with the identification of specific discourses and discursive practices and moves progressively toward a critique of ideology and domination and then to a critique of the factors and actors that,…

Territory, politics, governance
Territory, Politics, Governance and Multispatial Metagovernance

This article interrogates the concepts in this journal’s title and, drawing on the strategic-relational approach in social theory, explores their interconnections. This conceptual re-articulation is then contextualized in regard to the European Union (EU) as a political regime that serves as a real-time laboratory for experiments in government and governance with implications for redesigning polities,…

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Putting higher education in its place in (East Asian) political economy

This article relates changes in higher education (HE) and research in East Asian societies to recent trends in political economy and, in particular, the reorientation of developmental states (DSs) in the region. The DS is oriented to catch-up competitiveness and, as the horizon of development shifts, so do its appropriate institutional forms and strategies. Catch-up…

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The Developmental State in an Era of Finance-Dominated Accumulation

There have been three main accounts of East Asian export-oriented economic growth in the 1980s: getting prices right, the developmental state (DS), and Confucian capitalism. None is satisfactory and, together, they reproduce the market—state—civil society triplet, which originates in European Enlightenment thinking, and one-sidedly highlight the roots of the miracle in one or other of…

journal articles
The central bank of symbolic capital

On the State comprises edited versions of three lecture courses that Pierre Bourdieu delivered between 1989 and 1992 at the Collège de France during his tenure of a research chair in sociology at that institution (1982-2001).* Beginning with the well-worn theme of the difficulties of thinking and studying the state, then illustrating the importance of…