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Dychwelodd eich chwiliad 219 canlyniad
Sut mae arweiniad gyrfaoedd i ddisgyblion ysgol yn cael ei flaenoriaethu?

Mae’r Cipolwg Data hwn yn archwilio sut y defnyddir gwybodaeth i lywio penderfyniadau ynghylch darparu cyfweliadau arweiniad gyrfaoedd ymhlith disgyblion cyfnod allweddol 4 (CA4) yng Nghymru. Mae’n archwilio pwysigrwydd cymharol nodweddion cefndirol sydd wedi’u cynnwys mewn cofnodion addysg weinyddol o’u cymharu â gwybodaeth a ddarparwyd gan ddisgyblion drwy offeryn diagnostig Gyrfa Cymru.

Effeithiolrwydd arweiniad gyrfaoedd wrth gefnogi cyfranogiad mewn Addysg a Hyfforddiant Ôl-orfodol (PCET)

Mae’r Cipolwg Data hwn yn archwilio’r dylanwad y gall arweiniad gyrfaoedd ei gael ar bontio i Addysg a Hyfforddiant Ôl-orfodol (PCET) yng Nghymru. Mae’r dadansoddiad yn archwilio cyfraddau pontio i AHO yng Nghymru, a yw derbyn arweiniad gyrfaoedd yn ystod cyfnod allweddol 4 yn cefnogi pontio i AHO ac, os felly, a yw o fudd…

North Wales Growth Deal Research Report - front cover
North Wales Growth Deal Research Report

This report was produced in November 2022 as part of research undertaken by the Wales Institute of Social and Economic Research and Data (WISERD) as part of its ESRC Centre research programme. Fifteen remote interviews were conducted in English or Welsh (depending on the participant’s choice) by three researchers (Dr Beel, Prof IR Jones, Dr…

Mapping active travel variations in access to key services in Wales - briefing paper front cover
Mapping active travel variations in access to key services in Wales

Introduction Events surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic drew attention to the importance of local neighbourhoods as people were encouraged wherever possible to work from home, the physical and mental health benefits of active means of travel were promoted, and communities became more reliant on services in their local areas. At the same time governments around the…

Report cover
Geographical Variations in Trade Union Membership: 2022 Edition

This Research Note presents new estimates of trade union membership derived for detailed geographical areas across Great Britain. Analysis reveals the wide variations in union density that exist both across the country and within particular regions.  Over the period 2000-2021, union density is shown to vary between 10% in Kensington and Chelsea to 54% in…

Title Page of Report
The effects of selecting multiple respondents per household for a survey of people in paid work: A statistical and cost assessment

For PAF based surveys such as the Skills and Employment Survey a decision is needed on the number of working adults to select per household. In the past the SES has always selected just one, with the selection being at random from all working adults in the household. But other options are to select all…

Covid and the Coalfields: Vaccine Hesitancy in Wales and Appalachia

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has been felt especially keenly in disadvantaged communities, demonstrating what social epidemiologists call a social gradient in outcomes. Social gradients have been observed across the range of outcomes, from infections to deaths, and since vaccines for COVID-19 became available, we have seen a social gradient in their uptake, which…