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Rural Regionalism in the 21st Century: A Tale of No Cities

Territory, Politics, Governance 2022 Forthcoming Regions remain in flux. Their status as primary sites of governance and government is an ongoing negotiation between multiple endogenous and exogenous actors. The role of regions as drivers of economic activity and containers of socio-political identities and processes has waxed and waned in academic and policy discourse, most recently hybridized in…

Data Cooperatives for Pandemic Times

Image Credit: Artwork by James Seibold, Public Domain. Public Seminar Journal When COVID-19 hit populations worldwide, it became clear how deeply data practices are connected to democracy. One recent report, for instance, found a ‘data divide’ highlighting inequalities in access, knowledge, and awareness of digital health technologies used in the pandemic. The long-researched ‘digital divide’ is…

Don't forget the countryside
Don’t forget the countryside: Rural Communities and Brexit

LSE Blog Article The relationship between rural areas and Brexit has been neglected in a preoccupation with the urban geographies of the ‘left behind’ and the political arguments about culture wars. How might the patterns of the 2016 referendum vote be interrogated to provide insights about social and economic changes in rural places and wider…

Pandemic Citizenship amidst Stateless Algorithmic Nations: Digital Rights and Technological Sovereignty at Stake - first page of article
Pandemic Citizenship amidst Stateless Algorithmic Nations: Digital Rights and Technological Sovereignty at Stake

Coppieters Foundation, Post-Covid Europe series, 4 COVID-19 has hit citizens dramatically during 2020, not only creating a general risk-driven environment encompassing a wide array of economic vulnerabilities but also exposing them to pervasive digital risks, such as biosurveillance, misinformation, and e-democracy algorithmic threats. Over the course of the pandemic, a debate has emerged about the…

Publication Image
City Regions and Devolution in the UK: The Politics of Representation

In recent years, the ‘city region’ has seen a renaissance as the de-facto spatial centre of governance for economic and social development. Rich in case study insights, this book provides an overview of city region building and considers how governance restructuring shapes political, economic, social and cultural landscapes. Reviewing the Greater Manchester, Sheffield, Swansea Bay…

Book Review: Smart City Citizenship

Journal of Contemporary Urban Affairs 5(1) pp 145-150 Against the backdrop of the current hyperconnected and highly virialised post-COVID-19 societies, we, ‘pandemic citizens’, wherever we are located now, have already become tiny chips inside an algorithmic giant system that nobody really understands. Furthermore, over the last decade, the increasing propagation of sensors and data collections…

Transactions in GIS journal cover
Computing geographical access to services: The design of a client–server solution that incorporates multiple transport modes

Transactions in GIS, 25(4) pp 1849-1867 This study describes the design and implementation of a web‐based infrastructure built on open‐source components to enable the computation of accessibility scores. It can be adapted to any form of service provision that is represented as geo‐located points. The solution aims to extend previous attempts to measure and analyse…

Global Social Policy Cover
Exploring the Politicisation and Territorialisation of Adult Social Care in the UK: Electoral Discourse Analysis of State-wide and Meso Elections 1998-2019

Global Social Policy (2021 forthcoming) In the face of a global demographic shift, an aging population and a ‘crisis’ in adult social care (ASC), this study analyses over 3000 pledges on ASC in political parties’ manifesto discourse following the United Kingdom’s move to a multi-level electoral politics in 1998/1999. Although often overlooked, attention to this formative…

Peace Review 32(3) cover
Peace Profile: Gilbert Murray

Peace Review 32(3) pp 401-408 The Covid-19 pandemic of 2020 has shown once again the fundamental importance of international co-operation, and especially on intellectual and scientific matters. How to achieve this and to make it effective have been central concerns of global institutions in the twentieth and present centuries. The potential of such co-operation for…

“From the moment those two joined the committee it’s been grunge bands, sumo wrestlers and souffle competitions”: What Ambridge’s civil society says about UK politics in 2019′

Flapjacks and Feudalism: Social Mobility and Class in The Archers | Section 5 It Takes a Village… | Chapter 15 This study examines the discursive accounts of civil society in a rural English village to understand what these reveal about contemporary political discourses. It employs a critical discourse analysis of the conversational interactions of Ambridge residents….